Vilchis Esquivel, Luz del Carmen A.
Dora, Lita, Lidia, Cecilia and Elena are five women of Bolivian and indigenous origin, three conditions that are subject to discrimination in various latitudes of the world, however, they rebelled against their living conditions in a peculiar way, climbing peaks dressed with their representative costumes like a flag of indomitability. This group, k...
Aguilar Tamayo, Manuel Francisco Padilla Arroyo, Antonio López Aymes, Gabriela Guerrero Barrios, Jorge
RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar las características de las notas hipermedia que se realizan durante las tutorías de los comités y conocer las atribuciones que les dan los alumnos en el acompañamiento de su aprendizaje y reflexión. Diseño metodológico: desde un enfoque del análisis del discurso y sociocultural se analizan como género discursivo 106 notas...
Moreano Pozo, Nataly
This research is based on the assumption that the erotic image of women in the Andean technocumbia is the product of a combined and contradictory design management between cultural rescue and globalized industrial music production. Through hypermedia, the symbolic elements of what has been considered erotic in different local societies have been mo...
Medina Téllez Girón, Andrea
Resumen: Las nuevas apuestas en la narrativa electrónica se estructuran bajo trayectos hipertextuales que vinculan una gran variedad de recursos, una imagen estática, un video, un audio, en los que se organiza la trama. Tal es el caso de la ficción electrónica Tatuaje (2015) de Rodolfo Jiménez Morales. La narración tiene una estructura policiaca, l...
Medina Téllez Girón, Andrea
The new bets in the electronic narrative are structured under hypertext paths that link a wide variety of resources, such as a static image, a video, an audio, in which the plot is framed. That is the case with the electronic fiction Tatuaje (2015) by Rodolfo Jiménez Morales. The narrative has a detective structure, which allows the hypertextual de...
Aguilar Tamayo, Manuel Francisco Moreno Martínez, Nehemías
En este artículo se describe una propuesta didáctica centrada en el diálogo y conversación académica para el desarrollo de tutorías con estudiantes universitarios de licenciatura y posgrado. Se utiliza como recurso tecnológico una pluma digital y un cuaderno especial que permiten grabar el audio y la escritura de manera sincronizada. El producto de...
Casas González, María
First approach to Pinterest as a social network that allows to collect and share images and therefore reflect on its characteristics as a tool to produce digital exhibitions. That can make a significant contribution to the spread of the culture and social involvement. Its hypermedia design and interactivity are two of its key aspects. Furthermore w...
Meso Ayerdi, Koldobika Mendiguren Galdospin, Terese Agirreazkuenaga Onaindia, Irati Rivero Santamarina, Diana
In recent years journalistic practices are reinventing themselves in order to respond to a complex scenario marked by the need of constant updating, abundance of information, an improved presence of the audience in the communication process and innovations in media formats and consumption habits. In this new information ecosystem where the abundanc...
Badía Herrera, Josefa
The article analyzes the editions, translations and adaptations of Don Quixote, available for iPad. It pursues to catalogue the resources from Cervantes� work, as well as study its technical characteristics, its scientific value and its innovations. The degree of hypertextuality, hypermediacy and interactivity will be evaluated in these resources. ...
Garay Garcell, Miguel
One of the most fundamental problems formulated to machine learning is the development of habits and abilities in complex systems modeling. At the present paper a system named Generator of Problems Hypermedia is described and developed. This software system allows automating the process of optimization problem construction and automatic generation ...