Apolinario Faria, Bianca Campos Medina, Luis
Based on a conception of aesthetics outside the artistic and much closer to daily life, this research sought to understand how material expressions of the migrant habitat alter the aesthetics of neighborhoods and generate resistance to the dominant power in the territory. The methodology comprised preparing a spatialized inventory of aesthetic inve...
Solanki, G. S. Khanal, Bhaiya Baruah, Priyanka
A survey for the diversity of Rhopalocera at the Mizoram University (MZU) campus was carried out in selected areas with different habitat types. Pollard walks sampling method was adopted, and 16 randomly selected permanent line transects were established in three different sites. The length of the studied transacts was 500 m and the breadth was a r...
Álvarez, Alberto Bris Marino, Pablo Bendito Muñoz de Cueva, Félix Martínez, Daniel
An academic workshop was held using a user-focused bottom-up approach to learn lessons about the possibility of a transitory habitat using pre-disaster planning and shared spaces that allow, post-disaster, to meet individual and community needs. In this workshop, using analysis guided by the qualitative study of interviews with a representative sam...
Pérez, Diego
The small neighborhood squares of Barcelona play a crucial role in shaping the city's urban habitat. Their modest scale and spatial clarity allow them to be seen as open-air rooms where countless daily routines unfold. Using drawing as an analytical tool, this article focuses on the facades surrounding these squares to illustrate the importance of ...
Lacunza, Ana Betina Salazar Burgos, Ramiro
Las desigualdades territoriales no solo refieren a las asimetrías en infraestructura, acceso a servicios básicos, niveles de producción sino también a las dimensiones subjetivas de cómo se perciben estas diferencias. Estas dificultades inciden en los recursos positivos de los adolescentes, particularmente en sus habilidades para establecer relacion...
Reyes-Guarnizo, Andrea Bibiana Díaz Riveros, Carlos Alberto
In the processes of occupation of rural space, the norms given from the Territorial Planning have prevailed, which allows the advancement of urban land, in the face of the decline of rural land. This article presents a reflection of the processes of appropriation of the territory from the perspective of rural settings through these case studies, ba...
Muñoz Morales, Leonardo Solange Fuentealba Quilodrán, Jessica Muñoz Rodríguez, Rubén
This study seeks to present the imaginaries of Orompello Street in Concepción, Chile, described in the poetry book Cipango (1992) by Thomas Harris. To do this, a qualitative interpretive analysis of the collection of poems was carried out through reading cards. It was compared with the historical events that occurred in the place and a semi-structu...
Corti, Juan Facundo Raimundi, María Julia Castillo Fernández, Isabel Álvarez Solves, Octavio Celsi, Ignacio
Introducción: Dentro del contexto deportivo, los agentes de socialización (madres, padres y entrenadores) desempeñan un papel fundamental en el desarrollo positivo adolescente. La Teoría del Liderazgo Transformacional destaca cómo estos agentes pueden inspirar y motivar a los jóvenes a través de la transmisión de valores y creencias, fomentando su ...
Viegas, Graciela Melisa Esparza, Jésica San Juan, Gustavo Alberto
Access to housing in low-income sectors brings up the need for a relevant reflection on Latin America. In this context, a wood-based Modular Housing Solution (MHS) has been developed in a neighborhood on the outskirts of CABA called La Plata, oriented to a housing improvement for working-class sectors, and managed by a labor cooperative, the univer...
Garre Belmonte, Manuel Girdley, John Rubio Lozano, Rosa María Guerrero, Juan José Ortiz Cervantes, Antonio Salvador
First DNA barcode sequences of Psorosa ferrugatella Turati, 1924 from the Iberian Peninsula is published and compared with other European Psorosa and closely related species. Three different habitats where P. ferrugatella inhabits are described. / Se publica las primeras secuencias del código de barras genético (barcode) de Psorosa ferrugatella Tur...