pašakinskienė, izolda stakelienė, violeta matijošiūtė, saulė martūnas, justas rimkevičius, marius būdienė, jurga aučina, algis skridaila, audrius
Many endophytic fungi are approved as plant growth stimulants, and several commercial biostimulants have already been introduced in agricultural practice. However, there are still many species of fungi whose plant growth-promoting properties have been understudied or not studied at all. We examined the growth-promoting effect in spring barley (Hord...
olszewska, marzenna
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different proportions of hybrid alfalfa (Medicago media Pers.) in two-component mixtures with festulolium (Festulolium braunii (K. Richt.) A. Camus) and orchard grass (Dactylis glomerata L.) on the micronutrient content of aboveground biomass. The study was conducted in 2011–2013 in Poland. The e...
Idbella, Mohamed Abd-ElGawad, Ahmed M. Chouyia, Fatima Ezzahra Bonanomi, Giuliano
Published in
Frontiers in Microbiology
Plants shape their surrounding soil, influencing subsequent plant growth in a phenomenon known as plant–soil feedback (PSF). This feedback is driven by chemical and microbial legacies. Here, we cultivated six crops from two functional groups, i.e., three grasses (Lolium, Triticum, and Zea) and three legumes (Glycine, Lens, and Medicago), to conditi...
waliszewska, bogusława waliszewska, hanna grzelak, mieczysław majchrzak, leszek gaweł, eliza murawski, maciej sieradzka, agnieszka vaskina, iryna spek-dźwigała, agnieszka
Methane fermentation, which is one of the key processes in biogas production, plays an important role in the conversion of biomass to energy. During this process, changes occur in the chemical composition of organic feedstocks, including the chemical composition of grasses. The assessment of these changes is crucial for the efficiency and productiv...
hamar-farkas, dóra kisvarga, szilvia ördögh, máté orlóci, lászló honfi, péter kohut, ildikó
One of the most effective means of increasing urban green areas is the establishment of roof gardens. They have many positive properties and ecological functions, such as filling empty spaces with plants, protecting buildings, dust retention and air cleaning. In the case of extensive constructions, mostly Sedum species are used, planted as carpet-l...
Acker, Victoria Durand, Jean-Louis Perrot, Cédric Roy, Eric Frak, Ela Barillot, Romain
Background and Aims Leaf elongation is vital for Poaceae species’ productivity, influenced by atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and climate-induced water availability changes. Although [CO2] mitigates the effects of drought on reducing transpiration per unit leaf area, it also increases total leaf area and water use. These complex interactions ...
Sharifi, Mehdi Salimi, Khaled Rosa, Daniel Hart, Miranda
Published in
Plants (Basel, Switzerland)
This study examines the potential of 23 plant species, comprising 10 legumes, 9 grasses, and 4 forbs, as cover crops to enhance carbon (C) sequestration and soil nitrogen (N) in vineyards. After a 120-day evaluation period, cover crop biomass was incorporated into the soil, and grapevine seedlings were planted in its place. Among the established co...
wei, li yang, jiqing zhan, fangdong guo, jiawei zhang, ya yong, ba dong, hengwen yongmei, he
At the southeastern periphery of the Tibetan Plateau, the subalpine ecosystem hosts grasses as some of the most substantial species. However, the community and function of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) around the rhizospheres of grasses in the subalpine zone are still poorly understood. In the present study, 28 soils and 11 species of dominant...
gnutikov, alexander a. nosov, nikolai n. punina, elizaveta o. loskutov, igor g. shneyer, victoria s. chekrygin, sergei a. rodionov, alexander v.
We performed next-generation sequencing of the 18S rDNA–ITS1–5.8S rDNA region along with traditional Sanger sequencing of rbcL, matK, ndhF, and ITS1–5.8S rDNA–ITS2 to clarify the hybridization pattern in the subtribe Alopecurinae and in the genus Alopecurus in particular. Our data support the hybrid origin of Alopecurus × brachystylus from hybridiz...
Minadakis, Nikolaos Kaderli, Lars Horvath, Robert Bourgeois, Yann Xu, Wenbo Thieme, Michael Woods, Daniel P Roulin, Anne C
Published in
Synchronizing the timing of reproduction with the environment is crucial in the wild. Among the multiple mechanisms, annual plants evolved to sense their environment, the requirement of cold-mediated vernalization is a major process that prevents individuals from flowering during winter. In many annual plants including crops, both a long and short ...