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with grampositieve bacteriën as keyword
Haenen, O.
In dit artikel worden enkele Grampositieve vispathogene bacteriën besproken: Streptococcus species en Lactococcus species. De betreffende bacteriën veroorzaken, meestal als secundaire ziekteverwekker onder invloed van stress ziekte bij allerlei vissoorten. Over de ziekteverschijnselen, diagnose, overdracht en preventie
Sturme, M.H.J. Kleerebezem, M. Nakayama, J. Akkermans, A.D.L. Vaughan, E.E. de Vos, W.M.
While intercellular communication systems in Gram-negative bacteria are often based on homoserine lactones as signalling molecules, it has been shown that autoinducing peptides are involved in intercellular communication in Gram-positive bacteria. Many of these peptides are exported by dedicated systems, posttranslationally modified in various ways...
Plette, A.C.C.
A detailed study is presented on the cadmium and zinc sorption to both isolated cell walls and intact, living cells of the Gram-positive soil bacterium Rhodococcus erythropolis A177. Acid/base titrations were performed on isolated cell wall material to characterize the type and amount of reactive sites on the cell wall. The proton binding was descr...