Gomes, Ricardo Corrêa Osborne, Stephen P. Guarnieri, Patrícia
Abstract Although stakeholder theory has been on the academic agenda for more than 30 years, empirical evidence is still scant about stakeholders’ influence as determinant factors of local governments’ performance. Evidence from 82 empirical studies on stakeholder influence as a source of local government effectiveness is assessed in this article. ...
chenboonthai, haruthai watanabe, tsunemi
This research examined cooperation among core Thai government organizations involved in achieving the energy-from-waste (EFW) targets stipulated in the country’s 2015 Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP). To this end, we used the institutional analysis and development (IAD) framework to illuminate the intricacies of such collaboration, which ...
Østergaard Madsen, Christian
Recent years have seen the digitalization of government organizations, their internal work processes and interaction with citizens and businesses. The private sector’s successful utilization of digital communication channels and continuous austerity measures have created demands for the efficiency gains in the public sector as well. An important wa...
Milne, S Chervier, C.
Termeer, C.J.A.M. van den Brink, M.A.
The central question of this article is the extent to which organizations, governmental authorities in particular, are able to deal with the unknown unknown. Drawing on Weick’s work on sensemaking, we introduce seven organizational conditions that can facilitate organizations to be reliable under trying and surprising situations. We analyse the uti...
Breeman, G.E. van Noort, W.J. Rutgers, M.R.
De bestuurlijke kaart van Nederland is een eerste kennismaking met de instituties en organisaties in en rondom het openbaar bestuur. Het boek schetst de inrichting van het openbaar bestuur op de verschillende niveaus. In de eerste hoofdstukken komen de politiek-bestuurlijke instituties op nationaal of rijksniveau aan de orde, gevolgd door de minist...
Cronkleton, P. Bray, D.B. Medina, G.
At their most local, initiatives to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) will depend on rural people to manage forest resources. Although the design of frameworks, mechanisms and arrangements, to implement REDD programs have received significant attention, it is not yet clear how REDD+ will function on the ground or how the pa...
Zembinský, Roman
Import 19/10/2011 / Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá přípravou podnikatelského záměru. Úvodní část specifikuje teorii podnikatelského záměru a popisuje základní pojmy z oboru podnikání. V navazující části jsou popsány subjekty podporující malé a střední podnikání v České republice. Třetí kapitola popisuje konkrétní možnosti spolupráce vysokých škol ...
Suhardiman, D.
Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) policy has been formulated and implemented worldwide, relying on three basic assumptions: that the irrigation agency are motivated to adapt their role in the sector's development; that farmers are willing to take over the system management; and that the process of management transfer is a neutral process, involv...
Visser, L.E.
Een unieke serie verhalen over 17 Papua-bestuurders (tuan bestir), opgeleid in de laat ‘50-er jaren en vaak werkend in afgelegen gebieden en hun contacten met de bevolking tijdens tournees. Ook aan bod komen de woelige jaren ’60, de korte UNTEA-periode, de manipulatie bij de Act of Free Choice en de integratie binnen de Indonesische eenheidsstaat. ...