Ambrochowicz-Gajownik, Anna
The aim of this article is to outline the trade exchange between Poland and Tunisia in the 1930s, which began to develop after the establishment of an honorary consulate, subordinated to the consulate in Marseille. Tunisia traded with foreign countries under certain customs rules. The main partner in foreign trade was France, next Algeria, Italy, G...
Sawa, Dawid
The aim of this article is to present the situation and the financial condition of the euro area and to orientate itself towards the future. The eurozone crisis is the greatest challenge for the entire euro area but also for the European Union as such. Its bad financial situation and the related stagnation force us to reflect and take corrective me...
Cíbik, Lukáš Horváth, Peter Brix, Richard
The economic indicators of the new member states of the EU that joined after 2004 have been generally positive. In this paper, we analyse and interpret the economic development results of the 11 new Member States from the Eastern bloc. The set of individual economic indicators gives us a relatively realistic picture of the differences in developmen...
Szamałek, Michał
My work shows the problem of trade between the EU and Indonesia, the problem is quite significant because Indonesia is a developing country and has a lot of economic potential. The research objective of my work was to bring the reader closer to the EU-Indonesia trade relations and to describe the structure of these relationships. The research metho...
Wozniak-Bobinska, Marta Hryhorowicz, Ernest Mruk, Marzena Spancerska, Aleksandra Rabczun, Aleksandra Anna Rogoda, Adam Zaremba, Michał Zajączkowska, Natalia Wolny-Abouelwafa, Edyta
Tom podzielony został na trzy bloki tematyczne, obejmujące kolejno zagadnienia polityczne (3 rozdziały), gospodarcze (3 rozdziały) i społeczno-kulturowe (2 rozdziały). Opracowanie otwiera artykuł E. Hryhorowicza, który omawia politykę zagraniczną Jordanii – na tle innych państw regionu. M. Mruk przygląda się aspiracjom niepodległościowym Kurdów w I...
Błaszczyk, Alina Sawicka, Justyna
The 500+ program was a subject of observation and evaluation as one of the key determinants of the current economic situation of the Polish society. The program was examined particularly in terms of its impact on the distribution of expenses (distinguishing the size of incomes of families), the fertility rate or the unemployment rate. The aim of th...
Lityński, Piotr
Celem artykułu jest rozpoznanie przyszłych tendencji kształtowania się rynku mieszkaniowego rozwijającego się miasta metropolitalnego. Owe tendencje mają znaczenie dla przebiegu procesów rozwoju gospodarczego kraju. Mieszkalnictwo odgrywa bowiem ważną rolę w rozwoju społecznym, gospodarczym i przestrzennym. W badaniach empirycznych założono trzy sc...
Abramczyk, Damian
The basic task of households is spending and satisfying the needs of its users. Each of us, creates households, generates income for the family budget, regardless of age, gender, personal or health situation. Over the years, the process of managing incomes and expenses has evolved. Nowadays, these changes are very important in the era of general ac...
Baar, Vladimír Baarová, Barbara
The paper is focused on the economic problems of de facto states in the post-Soviet space after Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, creation of the Eurasian Economic Union in 2015 and the signing of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Georgia and Moldova with effect from 2016. It analyzes long-term economic strateg...
Śliczyńska, Joanna Elżbieta