Ratner, Kaylin Gladstone, Jessica R Zhu, Gaoxia Li, Qingyi Estevez, Melody Burrow, Anthony L
Published in
Journal of personality
Despite long-standing assumptions that a sense of purpose in life and goal pursuit are mutually supportive, empirical evidence of their reciprocity remains deficient. In the context of a unique out-of-school time program that empowers youth to pursue passions through self-driven learning, we examined whether purpose and one aspect of goal pursuit-p...
Martínez-Priego, Consuelo García-Noblejas, Belén Poveda Roca, Pablo
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Introduction Studies examining the role of Emotion Regulation (ER) do not consistently explain the underlying model or theory they are employing, resulting in a conflation of different strategies and goals within the ER scientific literature. This study aims to conduct a systematic review and conceptual analysis of the primary strategies and goals ...
Audia, Pino G. Laureiro Martinez, Daniella Newark, Daniel A.
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Gärtner, Henriette Søby Shabnam, Jahan Aagesen, Maria Guldin, Mai-Britt Vind, Ane Bonnerup Marsaa, Kristoffer Bergenholtz, Heidi Maria Graven, Vibeke Sampedro Pilegaard, Marc Thuesen, Jette
Published in
Disability and rehabilitation
There is an increasing interest in combining palliative care and rehabilitation approaches in clinical work.When rehabilitation and palliative care are combined, goals may be overlooked, and the patient’s own goals can be used as a point of orientation for interventions.Future practice should pay special attention to subjective goals, social partic...
Baker, Amanda Cornwell, Petrea Gustafsson, Louise Lannin, Natasha A
Published in
Disability and rehabilitation
The rehabilitation case conference forum can be used to facilitate teams to set interdisciplinary common goals.Rehabilitation teams should add further consideration to how they can involve clients as a member of the rehabilitation team throughout the rehabilitation process.Embedding changes into existing process and using structured templates and t...
Degrenne, Olivier Carling, Christopher
Published in
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
The main aim of this study was to compare goal scoring patterns between the two most recent FIFA World CupTM (WC) tournaments: Russia 2018 and Qatar 2022. Match performance data were extracted using the ProVision database (StatsPerform, Chicago, USA). Variables used to analyse goals (not including penalty shootout goals) included the match period i...
Berg, Cynthia A. Mansfield, Jessica H. Boggess, Silas B. Martin, Julia V. Creer, Benjamin Peck, Torri K. Wiebe, Deborah J. Butner, Jonathan E. Mayberry, Lindsay S.
Published in
Frontiers in Clinical Diabetes and Healthcare
Objective Interventions for emerging adults (EAs) with type 1 diabetes (T1D) focus on goal setting, but little is known about how goal achievement relates to intervention outcomes. We examined how goals change, how goal achievement relates to diabetes outcomes, and identified barriers and facilitators to goal achievement. Method EAs with T1D (N=29,...
Potočnik, Iva
Strokovna literatura in učni načrt učiteljem omogočata uresničevati cilje slovstvene folkloristike in med učenci uzaveščati pomen folklornih besedil. Od učiteljevih didaktičnih in metodičnih odločitev je odvisno, kako bo potekalo zbiranje, zapisovanje in urejanje folklornih besedil in ali bodo učenci to snov sprejeli kot vrednoto.
Keetley, Rachel Manning, Joseph C Williams, Jane Stewart, Iain Radford, Kathryn
Published in
Brain injury
To explore longer-term health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and participation outcomes and goals of children and young people (CYP) with acquired brain injuries (ABI) and their families in a region of the UK and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cross-sectional survey of (5-18 CYP) and their parent-carers 12-43 months following ABI. Included m...
Cook, Hannah E Garris, Lindsay A Gulum, Alev H Steber, Carolyn J
Published in
Journal of pharmacy practice
Background: Although there is evidence demonstrating successful implementation of SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goals in clinical settings, their impact on improving diabetes control has not been well-established. Objective: The primary objective was to determine the association between setting SMART goals and chang...