Prispevek obravnava determinologizirane lekseme s stališča leksikografije in terminografije. Determinologiziran leksem nastane v procesu determinologizacije, ko termin iz terminološke leksike preide v splošno, torej iz znanstvenih besedil v besedila, namenjena širši javnosti. Ko se termin začne pojavljati v množičnih medijih, ni več zanimiv le za t...
This study offers the first full edition of a late thirteenth-century herbal glossary preserved in Worcester, Cathedral Library, F 157, as well as a preliminary commentary of textual problems and analogues. This glossary (henceforth: Worcester Herbal Glossary) originally included around 130 Latin plant names with English equivalents; a few entries ...
Papias présente dans la préface de son Elementarium une réflexion épistémologique sur les qualités requises pour un instrument lexicographique. Dénonçant l’insuffisance structurelle des glossaires, il annonce un programme ambitieux visant à produire des entrées appuyées sur des autorités et pourvues d’un système de marquage complet et exigeant. Si ...
Despite Church prohibitions, almost twenty medieval Bibles in Spanish survive. The Old Testament versions derived in many cases from translations from Hebrew made by Jews. These were characterized by a unique rabbinical “calque-language” that would be preserved by Sephardim for centuries after the Expulsion in 1492; but the Inquisition destroyed th...
This article presents the Old English lexicographical materials compiled by the humanist scholar Friedrich Lindenbrog (1573–1648), some of which were considered lost after World War II, but have been restored to the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg during the 1980 s and 1990 s. It traces the origins and provenances of the Old English glos...
Dans cet article, on cherche à développer une réflexion sur les glossaires produits à partir de textes littéraires de langue portugaise. Notre but est de comprendre le fonctionnement de ces glossaires par rapport aux savoirs linguistiques qu'ils présentent. Sans oublier la constitution spécifique de notre corpus, nous essayons de repérer la positio...
When delivering scientific information for decision makers, it is important to define and use appropriate terminology to ensure scientific credibility and good communication. A glossary with terms from authoritative sources for specific domains can increase the usefulness and reusability of information for decision makers as the information can be ...