Francisco Valdés Ugalde, Ensayo para después del naufragio, México, Debate, 2023, 232 pp.
Les progrès de l’archéologie au cours des trois dernières décennies ont profondément renouvelé nos connaissances sur le peuplement des territoires de la Gaule romaine. Des espaces considérés jusqu’alors comme marginaux, tels que les marais ou la haute montagne, paraissent avoir été occupés plus densément et depuis plus longtemps qu’on ne l’imaginai...
This article analyzes whether there is an inherent incompatibility between cosmopolitan democracy and radical and plural democracy or whether, on the contrary, it is possible that both proposals can find spaces for theoretical exchanges that allow articulating more demo-cratic and inclusive responses to the challenges posed by globalization. On man...
Cosmopolitan theories have undergone a significant revitalization in our times as a result of the intensification of human relations brought about by the phenomenon of globalization. In recent decades, particularly since the fall of the Berlin Wall, there has been a flourishing of cosmopolitan theses that aspire to offer a theoretical model from wh...
The paper presents a theoretical model of law capable of interpreting the pressing needs for responsibility imposed on transnational actors in the face of obligations to respect human rights and the role of the State in guaranteeing them. The document interprets the phenomenon of the constitutionalization of law in a transnational key starting from...
Postmodernity is not limited only to the profound transformations of social or cultural structures originated in the last century, but also to certain traditional political structures such as the State and its constituent elements. Through a normative approach, this essay analyzes the changes in the territory caused by the hegemony of postmodern fo...
Inequality and social injustice have destroyed confidence in human nature by creating shameful gaps that touch upon sociocultural, economic, environmental, spiritual, and political aspects that undoubtedly impact learning processes. The aim of this paper is to explore significant aspects of globalization, inequality and social injustice and their i...
This article addresses the various socioeconomic changes that emanate from the internationalization process. The purpose is to demonstrate and argue the potential of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which have an inherent advantage of flexibility, intrinsic to their size. Through an empirical analysis supported by data provided by the Spa...
Educational trends guide the way how to transmit and mediate information in the classrooms, therefore, it is essential to recognize the diversity of meanings that are constructed in the daily life of the teacher to know how to provide a decent education. A research was developed with a transversal quantitative approach, on the perception of classro...
This is an article on the comparative export perfor-mance of garment assemblers in Central America and the Caribbean Basin versus the key Far East Asian producers for the United States’ market. Apart from a report of historical trends, the methodology used in it is of the descriptive and summary statistical type. This hemispheric subdivision of lab...