Asante, Charles Shaheen, Razaz Lopez, David Honny, Dorothy Laryea, Clement Alismail, Abdullah
Published in
The respiratory therapy (RT) profession in Ghana is a new and emerging field. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess and evaluate the RT profession as a needs assessment to help policymakers and key stakeholders shape the profession in Ghana. We conducted a cross-sectional study approved by the Institutional Review Board at Loma Linda U...
Anyan, Frederick Andoh-Arthur, Johnny Adjei, Stephen Baffour Akotia, Charity Sylvia
Published in
Frontiers in Public Health
Introduction This study examines the overall levels and effects of corruption perception on mental health while controlling for the effect of interpersonal trust as a routine covariate in studies of corruption. Methods Participants (N = 730; 60.8% Men; Mean age = 22.13, SD = 3.66) were invited to answer a cross-sectional survey. Group mean differen...
Trzaska, Sylwia Hansen, Jim Marty, Franciska
Michalscheck, M. Kizito, F. Kotu, B.H. Avornyo, F.K. Timler, C. Groot, J.C.J.
Open Access Article / Smallholder farmers in Northern Ghana regularly face shocks, challenging the sustainability of their farms and livelihoods. Different farm households and household members may be differently affected and respond with different coping strategies. We combined whole-farm modelling and farmer consultations to investigate the vulne...
Atiah, W.A. Johnson, R. Muthoni, F.K. Mengistu, D.K. Amekudzi, L.K. Kwabena, O. Kizito, F.
Open Access Journal; Published online: 28 Jun 2023 / Like many other African countries, Ghana’s rain gauge networks are rapidly deteriorating, making it challenging to obtain real-time rainfall estimates. In recent years, real-time satellite precipitation products (SPPs) development and accessibility have advanced significantly. SPPs may compliment...
Nelson, Nii
Ghana like many sub-Saharan African countries faces significant social issues. Approximately 42% of Ghanaians live in rural areas where agriculture is a predominant livelihood activity. The total population below the poverty line is about 24.2%, with rural poverty almost 4 times as high as urban poverty. Among the many issues confronting Ghana, ele...
Ansah, I.G.K. Kotu, B.H. Manda, J. Muthoni, F.K. Azzarri, C.
Open Access Article / This paper examines how resilience capacity mediates or moderates the relationship between weather shocks and household food security based on two waves of farm household survey and satellite-based weather data in northern Ghana and applying econometric models. Results show that resilience capacity moderate or mediates the neg...
food, international
Groundwater development: Quo Vadis? With insights focused on Sub-Saharan Africa Claudia Ringler with Hua Xie, Angga Pradesha, Nicos Perez, Hagar Eldidi, Wei Zhang and Ruth Meinzen-Dick & partners in India, Ethiopia, Ghana, Senegal & Uganda Hydrosystems Engineering Seminar, Arizona State University March 29, 2023
White, Alexander
This thesis examines the influence of international broadcasting in late colonial East Africa, focusing on the audiences to radical anti-colonial broadcasters including Radio Cairo, All India Radio, Radio Moscow and Radio Peking. By examining broadcast transcripts, colonial reports and personal memoir, it seeks to reconstruct not just who listened ...
Adewumi, A.S. Asare, P.A. Adejumobi, I.I. Adu, M.O. Taah, K.J. Adewale, S. Mondo, J. Agre, A.P.
Open Access Journal / Dioscorea praehensilis Benth. is a semi-wild yam species and a valuable source of resistance trait genes. To access the agronomic and tuber quality performance, eleven quantitative phenotypic traits were used to discriminate and identify promising accessions among 162 accessions of D. praehensilis collected in Ghana. Significa...