Shen, Hao-Yuan Li, Yu-Tao Liu, Hang Lin, Jie Zhao, Lu-Yu Li, Guo-Peng Wu, Yi-Wen Ren, Tian-Ling Wang, Yeliang
Published in
ACS applied materials & interfaces
Gesture sensors are essential to collect human movements for human-computer interfaces, but their application is normally hampered by the difficulties in achieving high sensitivity and an ultrawide response range simultaneously. In this article, inspired by the spider silk structure in nature, a novel gesture sensor with a core-shell structure is p...
Lin, Chuang Wang, Yuhao Dai, Ming
Published in
Frontiers in Neuroscience
The surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals reflect human motor intention and can be utilized for human-machine interfaces (HMI). Comparing to the sparse multi-channel (SMC) electrodes, the high-density (HD) electrodes have a large number of electrodes and compact space between electrodes, which can achieve more sEMG information and have the poten...
šamánek, jakub
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací prototypu herního ovladače založeného na technologii snímání pohybu rukou. Pro sběr pohybových dat bylo použito zařízení Ultraleap s hloubkovými senzory a alternativně jediná RGB kamera ve spojení s knihovnou Mediapipe. Tyto metody byly porovnány a zhodnoceny s ohledem na jejich využití v konte...
Rekik, Yosra Guettaf, Adnane Jamalzadeh, Milad Grisoni, Laurent
International audience
Žlender, Elvis
Meden, Blaž
Eddy, Ethan Campbell, Evan Bateman, Scott Scheme, Erik
Published in
Journal of Neural Engineering
Discrete myoelectric control-based gesture recognition has recently gained interest as a possible input modality for many emerging ubiquitous computing applications. Unlike the continuous control commonly employed in powered prostheses, discrete systems seek to recognize the dynamic sequences associated with gestures to generate event-based inputs....
Gratz-Kelly, Sebastian Philippi, Daniel Fasolt, Bettina Nalbach, Sophie Motzki, Paul
Published in
tm - Technisches Messen
Due to recent progress in human-machine interaction the development of interfaces ensuring a safe collaboration between handling devices and workers is gaining in importance and impact to the industry field. For an adequate operation, combined sensing and actuation capabilities are sufficient for interaction units. Smart materials like dielectric e...
sojka, matyáš
V dnešní době přibývá zajímavých možností, jak mohou uživatelé interagovat s virtuálním světem. Jedním ze způsobů, který je stále využívanější, je hand-tracking - snímání rukou uživatele. Tato práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací jednoduché aplikace, která umožňuje ovládání virtuálního dronu právě pomocí hand-trackingu. Využívá k tomu senzor Ultr...
Yang, Rongkai Jiang, Jiajun Jiang, Zhaoling Zhu, Jiaming
Published in
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
There are a large number of disabled people in the world whose lives are seriously affected by the lack of upper limbs. Research on related prostheses is crucial to making these individuals’ lives as convenient as those of regular people. The association between the acts that took place and the relevant data waveforms are determined in this investi...