Kartman, Linnea Ahlström, Elvira
Studien syftade till att undersöka studenter vid Örebro universitets uppfattningar om allvarlighetsgraden av fysiskt våld, som utförs i nära heterosexuella parrelationer, beroende på könet på förövaren. Uppfattningarna undersöktes genom en webbaserad enkätundersökning innehållande vinjetter med fiktiva scenarion. Respondenterna (N = 107) fick ta de...
Fanslow, Janet L Mellar, Brooklyn M Gulliver, Pauline J McIntosh, Tracey K D
Published in
Journal of interpersonal violence
Claims of "gender symmetry" in intimate partner violence (IPV) prevalence are contested, with resolution of the issue complicated by methodological and measurement challenges. This study explores gendered differences in the distribution of IPV exposure at the population-level, considering multiple types of IPV exposure. The subjects comprised of 1,...
Tie, Lei Zheng, Yong
Published in
Violence against women
Gender symmetry is a long-standing controversy in intimate partner violence (IPV) research. This study explored the gender directionality of IPV and differences in the quality of relationships between different dyadic patterns. IPV experiences and relationship quality of 371 heterosexual couples were examined. Results indicate that females reported...
Garabík, Radovan Wachtarczyková, Jana
Published in
Journal of Linguistics/Jazykovedný casopis
Today, word embeddings have become a standard method in natural language processing, largely due to the availability of large language corpora. The models effectively reflect the semantic relationships between words without any additional linguistic input. Recently, more emphasis has been placed on interpreting the seemingly discriminatory results ...
Mennicke, Annelise
Published in
Violence against women
This research explored an expanded typology of intimate partner violence (IPV), intersecting violent and controlling behaviors of partners. Secondary data were analyzed ( n = 714). Cluster analyses indicated that elements of IPV (control perpetration, control victimization, violence victimization, and violence perpetration) all clustered in high/lo...
Myhill, Andy
Published in
Violence against women
Numerous academic studies point to gender symmetry in the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV). Many of these studies report findings from surveys with small and/or unrepresentative samples that have insufficient questions to differentiate adequately between different types of abuse. Data from a large, nationally representative survey sugg...
Straus, Murray A
Published in
Violence against women
This article presents a reanalysis of data from Gondolf's (2012) article in this journal on reoffending by men in the 15-month period subsequent to participation in batterer intervention programs. Gondolf concludes that violence by the female partners "was relatively low and does not appear to influence the program outcome in terms of men's reassau...
Renner, Lynette M Habib, Leah Stromquist, Ann M Peek-Asa, Corinne
Published in
The Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association
This study suggests that many couples in rural areas use physical and emotional violence against each other in their relationships, and that both males and females who report a history of IPV are more likely to report depressive symptoms. These findings support IPV screening for physical and emotional violence among all patients and providing follo...
Jonasson, Martin
The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze IntimatePartner Violence (IPV). How does contemporary science illustrate men as victimsand women as perpetrators in these relationships? Ten articles were presentedand analyzed in a systematic literature study. The results show that men beingabused by their female intimate partner, do exist and ...
Kjellnert, Katarina
Våld i nära relationer existerar i de flesta samhällen och förekommer bland såväl heterosexuella som samkönade par. Mycket forskning har främst ägnats åt mäns våld mot kvinnor där offret ofta orsakas stort lidande. Men våld som konfliktlösningsmetod är inte förbehållet män utan används även av kvinnor. En kartläggning av mäns och kvinnors våld i nä...