Samson, Gerlinda Sabrina
This thesis focuses on analysing the Dutch dairy farmer behaviour in a changing political environment. The general objective of this research is to analyse the responses of Dutch dairy farmers in the situation of a changing agricultural and environmental policy context (i.e. changes in the subsidy payment system, milk quota abolishment and the refo...
Vogelzang, T.A. Berkhout, P. van Doorn, A.M. Jongeneel, R.A. Poppe, K.J. Smit, A.B. Terluin, I.J.
Assefa, Tsion Taye
The 2006-2011 period has been marked by increased volatility in food an agricultural commodity prices at a global level. In the EU, the continuous liberalization of agricultural markets under the Common Agricultural Policy has led to the exposure of EU agricultural to increasing market price volatility. This thesis has investigated the transmission...
van Berkum, S. Jongeneel, R.A. Vrolijk, H.C.J. van Leeuwen, M.G.A. Jager, J.H.
This report offers quantification of effects of possible trade and agricultural support scenarios on theUK agricultural production, trade, farm gate prices and farmers’ income levels in case of the UKleaving the EU. The results of each scenario show that for most sectors the biggest driver of UK farmincome changes is the level of public support pay...
Boere, E.J.M.
Abstract This study empirically investigates farmers’ decision-making on agricultural land use change in the Netherlands. Five driving factors influencing decision making on both on-farm land adjustments and changes to the size of the farm are selected: increased price volatility, milk quota, land prices, direct payments and insurance possibilities...
van Doorn, A.M. Vullings, L.A.E. Smidt, R.A.
In 2015 is de vergroening van het GLB geeffectueerd. Effecten en resultaten worden op EU niveau gemonitord. Voorliggend rapport stelt een systematiek voor monitoring en evaluatie voor die op nationaal niveau betekenisvol is. Met het toepassen van de voorgestelde systematiek en de resultaten van de nul meting kan de voortgang en effectiviteit van de...
PPO Akkerbouw, Groene Ruimte en Vollegro...
Veenkoloniale boeren moeten het gat vullen dat ontstaat door het wegvallen van inkomenssteun uit Brussel. Innovatieprogramma Landbouw Veenkoloniën draagt eraan bij met elf innovatieprojecten.
Jongeneel, R.A. Smit, A.L. Bakker, Tom Jager, J.H.
This study presents a quick scan of the economic feasibility of direct processing of sugar beet for ethanol production in Slovenia, using the Betaprocess technology. The outcome is that given the prices for sugar, sugar beets, ethanol and other relevant arable crops that are expected to prevail after the liberalisation of the EU’s sugar policy in 2...
Drabik, D.
Building, maintaining and applying the integated Modelling Platform for Agro-economic Commodity and Policy Awards (iMAP) has been a long-term project (since 2005) at the Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS), whose aim is to deliver in-house policy support to the european Commission. iMAP is the result of ...
van Schaik, L. Geerling-Eiff, F.A. Meijnders, M. Rood, J. Poppe, K.J.
Dit rapport is geschreven door Instituut Clingendael en LEI Wageningen UR voor het Ministerie van Economische Zaken (meer specifiek voor de Directie Agro- en Natuurkennis (DANK)). Het hoofddoel van dit onderzoek is meer inzicht te verkrijgen in hoe DANK, door tactisch te opereren in de Brusselse beleidsarena in het bijzonder waar het de EU-kennisag...