Publication search
with fytoremediatie as keyword
Hassan, Z.
Zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) are toxic metals that can cause serious soil contamination when present in excess. Especially Cd exposure is a threat to human health. Plants can potentially be used to clean-up the Zn- and/or Cd-contaminated soils in a technology called “Phytoremediation”. Two major requirements for this technology are the availability o...
Fox, L.J.
Phytoremediation of nutriënt polluted stormwater runoff using water hyacinth as a model plant was explored in greenhouse and field studies in south-eastern Virginia, USA
Lens, P.N.L. Grotenhuis, J.T.C. Malina, G. Tabak, H.H.
Technologies for the treatment of soils and sediments in-situ (landfarming, bioscreens, bioventing, nutrient injection, phytoremediation) and ex-situ (landfarming, bio-heap treatment, soil suspension reactor) will be discussed. The microbiological, process technological and socio-economical aspects of these technologies will be addressed. Special a...