basave-villalobos;, erickson
Understanding the responses that some plants exhibit to acclimatize and thrive in different light environments can serve as a guideline to optimize their production or establishment. Morpho-physiological changes in Crescentia alata and Enterolobium cyclocarpum were examined in response to varying light levels: 25%, 35%, 55% and 70% of photosyntheti...
Ramanenka, Maryna O. Šķipars, Vilnis Yarmalovich, Vasili A.
Published in
Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences.
Phoma blight of conifer seedlings is poorly studied. The main causal agent in Belarus differs in DNA sequence from other described Phoma species, and has not been fully taxonomically described, and therefore has been temporarily designated Phoma sp. 1. The basic morphological and growth culture characteristics of Phoma sp. 1 have recently been publ...
Karmiłowicz, Elżbieta
Published in
Folia Forestalia Polonica
Weeds competing with seedlings of trees for nutrients, moisture, light and space, drown out their growth in nurseries and forest crops. Currently, in forestry, weed control is mainly carried out in forest nurseries, less often during the preparation of the area intended for afforestation, but sporadically in forest crops. The most important species...
Castro Garibay, Sandra L. Aldrete, Arnulfo López Upton, Javier Ordaz-Chaparro, Víctor
The physical and chemical characteristics of the substrates are important to obtain a nursery plant with adequate morphological characteristics. Three substrates of current use in forest nurseries were characterized: S1: moss peat, vermiculite and perlite; S2: composted bark, peat moss and sawdust and S3: pine sawdust, moss peat and composted bark,...
Fajardo, Maria Alejandra León, Juan Diego Correa, Guillermo Antonio Morales, Juan Gonzalo
ABSTRACT Damping-off is considered one of the most serious risks for production of Pinus seedlings due to the significant losses it can cause in forest nurseries. In Colombia there is little information about the etiology of this limiting disease. Different species of the genus Fusarium have been reported as causal agents, which makes the study of ...
Brancalion, Pedro H.S. Bello, Carolina Chazdon, Robin L. Galetti, Mauro Jordano, Pedro Lima, Renato A.F. Medina, Aretha Pizo, Marco Aurélio Reid, J. Leighton
Assessing the conservation value of restoration plantings is critical to support the global forest landscape restoration movement. We assessed the implications of tree species selection in the restoration of Brazil's Atlantic Forest regarding carbon stocking and species conservation. This assessment was based on a comprehensive dataset of seedling ...
Mehmedovič, Filip
Navadni koprivovec (Celtis australis L.) je drevesna vrsta, ki se v Sloveniji pojavlja le v majhnem številu in na zelo omejenem območju države. Ima izjemno kakovosten les, prilagojen je na sušo, raste na skoraj vseh tipih tal, odporen je proti boleznim, škodljivcem in onesnaženju. Za zdaj se uporablja predvsem kot okrasno drevo v urbanem okolju, za...
Smiderle, Oscar J. Souza, Aline G. Pedrozo, Cassia A. Lima, Christinny G. B.
ABSTRACT This study assessed the effect of different substrates and addition of nutrient solution on the production of Pochota fendleri seedlings, leaf contents of macro and micronutrients and chlorophyll a and b. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a 3 x 2 factorial scheme, with four replicates. The factors were three substrates,...
Oszako, Tomasz Sikora, Katarzyna Belbahri, Lassaâd Nowakowska, Justyna A.
Published in
Folia Forestalia Polonica
In Poland, about 20% of forest nurseries use irrigation water coming from natural superficial reservoirs, presumed to be the first source of infection caused by harmful pathogens belonging to the Oomycota class, especially Phytophthora genus and Pythium genus. The forest nursery is the only place where forest managers can react before pathogens lea...
Smit, P.X. Jukema, G.D.
De export van boomkwekerijproducten is in 2014 met een kleine 5% gestegen tot € 1.250 mln. Het belang van Duitsland als exportbestemming is de laatste jaren sterk afgenomen. Naar het VK, België en Italië nam de export daarentegen sterk toe. Een gelijkblijvende exportwaarde in 2015 lijkt aannemelijk. De exportwaarde van boomkwekerijproducten steeg i...