echeverría, gabriel abbondanza, gabriele finotelli, claudia
Irregular migration is rapidly becoming a permanent feature of the twenty-first century. Amid the European “refugee crisis”, Italy and Spain represent two major destination countries that are affected by substantial irregular flows. Despite this comparable condition, and notwithstanding the significance of their relevant policies, they have rarely ...
Contin Trillo-Figueroa, Sebastian
The EU faces internal fractures over rule of law and democratic backsliding, particularly with Hungary’s defiance under Prime Minister Orbán. Hungary's disruptive actions undermine EU unity and decision-making. As the EU prioritizes enlargement, we argue that contraction may be necessary. Managing Hungary’s phased exit could strengthen cohesion, st...
Mallard, Grégoire Barol, Shirin Kiderlin, Nina Teresa
The study of policy alone often means domestic policy, of interest to generalist sociologists interested in how political ideas are turned into domestic legislation, executive action, and/or court litigation. Foreign policy, as the financial, commercial, diplomatic and military relations of a state with foreign states, remains a niche subfield. But...
de Tinguy, Anne
L’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie le 24 février 2022 a déclenché une guerre de haute intensité qui est l’un des conflits majeurs de l’après-guerre froide. Comment expliquer une décision aussi lourde de conséquences ? Que dit cette agression de la relation de la Russie à son ancien empire et de sa capacité à sortir d’un modèle néo-impérial ? Que...
Xu, Weijun
This research discusses the changes in the degree of toughness of China’s foreign policy choices in bilateral international disputes over the period from 1992 to 2022. This research first reviews previous explanations of why the Chinese government adopts tough foreign policies in international disputes in academia. In response to the popular view t...
Soto Vera, Anahí
Vargas Losada, David
This article examines in detail the key aspects of Venezuela’s main bilateral naval technical-military cooperation agreements with Russia, China, Spain and Iran. This is followed by a description and analysis of Colombia's maritime interests, in order to assess the geopolitical challenges that may arise from such cooperation agreements of the neigh...
Jost, Tyler Kertzer, Joshua D Min, Eric Schub, Robert
Abstract: Do advisers affect foreign policy and, if so, how? Recent scholarship on elite decision making prioritizes leaders and the institutions that surround them, rather than the dispositions of advisers themselves. We argue that despite the hierarchical nature of foreign policy decision making, advisers’ predispositions regarding the use of for...
Benhaim, Yohanan
À partir de la guerre du Golfe et ses répercussions en 1990-1991, la présence de populations turkmènes en Irak commence à être perçue comme une ressource pour l’État turc qui y voit un outil de légitimation et de mise en œuvre de sa politique en Irak, et notamment vis-à-vis de la région kurde. L’État turc met alors progressivement en place un « tra...
Razil, Guzaerov
В статье анализируется публикация «Радар безопасности SETA», опубликованный фондом политических, экономических и социальных исследований (SETA), в которой турецкие аналитики попытались спрогнозировать траектории развития внешней политики Турции в 2024 г. Отмечается, что большое значение придается двум сценариям. Во-первых, особое внимание привлекаю...