Lund, Simon Niklasson, Joel
The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how the professional identity of public librarians is created and shaped in connection with the digitization of society. The data collection method used, has been semi-structured interviews where five Swedish public librarians were asked questions regarding their experiences and percept...
Albinsson, Johanna Myrseth, Caroline
The aim of this master's thesis is to contribute knowledge on how the ideal applicant is constructed through subjective qualifications requested in job advertisements targeting public librarians, and how these constructions relate to a broader societal context. The empirical material consists of 40 job advertisements published online between Decemb...
Hansen, Gottfried Petre Andreassen, Alexander
The purpose of this study was to examine how the Swedish library trade journal Biblioteksbladet represents stress amongst Swedish public librarians under a 20-year period, from 2004 to 2024, via the use of discourse analysis. The study aims to answer what sort of discourses associated with stress for public librarians emerge in Biblioteksbladet dur...
Daniele, Veronica Andersson, Matilda
Artificial intelligence has gone from simply being a theoretical thought to rapidly affecting different areas of our lives. AI has in different ways been discussed in the library field, but mostly in regards to academic writing or different ways AI-technology can be used in library work. What has not been studied in depth is the views and opinions ...
Lippelt, Hilda Pernling, Moa
Att belysa folkbibliotekariens egna erfarenheter av det läsfrämjande arbete med läsande förebilder som metod är relevant för att få en djupare förståelse för vilken betydelse arbetssättet har för att främja barns och ungas läsning. Insikt om detta kan utgöra ett underlag för utvärdering av arbetssättet utifrån ett professionellt perspektiv och öka ...
Clementz, Frida
Changes in society are reflected in librarians' daily work which means they have to continue to develop their competencies after their education in library and information science. Continuing professional development (CPD) via digital resources is a contemporary form of CPD that comes with both opportunities and limitations. The aim of the study is...
Almroth, Ella
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur bibliotekarier upplever tryggheten på sin arbetsplats och hur eventuell otrygghet kan påverka dem. Det är en kvalitativ intervjustudie bestående av semistrukturerade intervjuer för att komma så nära bibliotekariernas personliga erfarenhet som möjligt. Intervjuerna analyseras sedan tematiskt med grund i t...
Jannert, Sonja
Rapporter från fackorganisationer och vetenskapliga studier visar att bibliotekarier är en stressad yrkesgrupp. Denna studie undersöker hur folkbibliotekarier beskriver sina upplevelser av stress främst i möten med användare och hur denna stress hanteras av folkbibliotekarierna. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med folkbibliotekarier genomfördes, ...
Hosa, Alice Olsson, Agnes
Time and temporality have received little attention when it comes to work in the public libraries, above all in a Swedish context. Trying to fill this gap the aim of this study was to explore how librarians working within the public libraries of Gothenburg experienced time and temporality in relation to different work tasks and systems. The study w...
Ljungblad, Linn
The aim of this master’s thesis is to develop knowledge on librarians’ perceptions and experiences of working at a public library during the covid-19 pandemic. The lack of research in this area motivates this thesis. Six librarians from four different public libraries in Gothenburg were interviewed through semi-structured interviews. The empirical ...