Publication search
with flyers as keyword
Conley, Claire C Rodriguez, Jennifer D McIntyre, McKenzie Niell, Bethany L O'Neill, Suzanne C Vadaparampil, Susan T
Published in
Journal of medical Internet research
Research is needed to understand and address barriers to risk management for women at high (≥20% lifetime) risk for breast cancer, but recruiting this population for research studies is challenging. This paper compares a variety of recruitment strategies used for a cross-sectional, observational study of high-risk women. Eligible participants were ...
Quintero Barrera, Rosa Patricia
The purpose of this essay is to anthropologically interpret the messages and images of the flyers distributed in the streets to advertise the consumption of love magic. Its content is described and systematized, the role played by those who carry out the rituals and the loving ideals spread by those who market these cultural products is interpreted...
Denis, Cécile
Cette étude portant sur 17 journaux et 236 tracts conçus par des résistants allemands et autrichiens actifs en France pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale a permis d’en révéler les enjeux théoriques et de mieux connaître leurs auteurs, en réévaluant notamment le rôle des ressortissants autrichiens et des groupes de gauche non alignés sur la politique...
Gentry, Christy
My capstone project was a benefit concert to help raise the awareness within the community about the issue of a growing number of senior citizens in need of adult day cares, and the VNA Adult Day Care is currently unable to accommodate them due to lack of resources.