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with fluoruros as keyword
Ramírez Puerta, Blanca Susana Molina Ochoa, Héctor Manuel Morales Flórez, Jessica Lorena
Introduction: dental fluorosis is a problem of oral health that occurs invarying degrees of severity depending on exposure to fluoride during toothformation, the WHO recommends monitoring this problem in the population.Objetive: to determine prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis inchildren, who visited to the dentist’s office during 2014 at t...
González, Albertina Ingallinella, Ana María Pacini, Virginia Fernández, Rubén Sanguinetti, Graciela Quevedo, Hernán
The presence of arsenic (As) in drinking water has caused the spread of Chronic Regional Endemic Hydroarseni-cism (HACRE), this is a disease that causes skin lesions and different types of cancers. Regarding the presence of fluoride (F-) in drinking water, lower concentrations to 1.5 mg/L protect the dentures of children who use them, but it has be...
Hurtado-Jiménez, Roberto Gardea-Torresdey, Jorge
OBJETIVO: Estimar la exposición a fluoruros y riesgos potenciales a la salud humana en Los Altos de Jalisco, México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se midió electroquímicamente la concentración de fluoruros en 105 pozos y seis tomas de agua potable, en los Altos de Jalisco, de mayo a julio de 2002. Se estimó la dosis de exposición y la ingestión total de fluo...
Trejo Vázquez, Rodolfo Hernández Montoya, Virginia
Debido a la contaminación por fluoruros que presentan los pozos del estado de Aguascalientes, y de otros seis estados de la república, es de suma importancia estudiar las alternativas de remoción, ya que el consumo de agua con altos contenidos de fluroruros puede generar diversas lesiones en el organismo humano. En el presente artículo se muestran ...
Nava Romero, Joel Romero Nava, Addy
Dental caries is localized as a posteruptive, pathologic process of external origin involving the destruction of hard tooth tissue, whicb if continued, results in the formation of cavity. From approximately 3000 BC to the mid 1770’s, it was believed tbat a worm that lived in the center of the tooth was responsible for toothaches. With a few recent ...