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with floëem as keyword
Prusova, Alena
This thesis (Light on phloem transport – an MRI approach) aims to answer the question whether phloem transport can be a limiting factor for photosynthesis efficiency (and ultimately causing a bottleneck towards achieving higher yields). To answer this key question, we manipulated the source: sink ratio within tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) while ...
Windt, C.W.
This thesis deals with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) imaging of long distance transport in plants. Long distance transport in plants is an enigmatic process. The theoretical framework that describes its basic properties has been in place for almost a century, yet at the same time only little is known about the dynamics of long distance transport...
Tjallingii, W.F.
De penetratie van planten door bladluisstiletten laat zich goed onderzoeken met het elektropenetratiegram (EPG), een registratiesysteem waarbij plant en insect deel uitmaken van een elektrisch circuit. Een groot aantal details van de plant-bladluisinteracties tijdens stilet penetraties is door EPG-studies opgehelderd
den Outer, R.W.
Wiersum, L.K. Vonk, C.A. Tammes, P.M.L.
den Outer, R.W.
An anatomical study of secondary phloem of the different species of Gymnosperms showed that three categories could be distinguished, which may represent three evolutionary stages. These three categories were:Pseudotsuga taxifolia type, to which belong many Pinaceae (while the other Pinaceae species belong to a subtype, e.g. the Tsuga canadensis sub...
Thorenaar, A.
To facilitate further discussions and to inform tropical forestry experts, the formation and anatomy of bark were reviewed in association with its terminology. Sections deal with: secondary phloem; dilation and sclerosis; their influence on primary bark parts and on secondary phloem; interxylary phloem; pith ducts; periderm; lenticels and dead oute...