An event study of the impact of ECB’s and FED’s interest rate announcements on stock markets performance
It is typical in the modern world that most economic growth is explained by an increase in total factor productivity, commonly accompanied by the rise of real capital. After the last financial crisis, Slovenia was specific in the growth of total factor productivity between 2009 and 2019 in that the 44 analyzed industries substituted the decline of ...
In this paper we analyse the effectiveness of demand- and supply-side fiscal policies in the small open economy of Slovenia. Simulating the SLOPOL10 model, an econometric model of the Slovenian economy, we analyse the effectiveness of various categories of public spending and taxes during the period 2020 to 2030, assuming that no crisis occurs. Our...
V diplomskem delu je predstavljena ameriška centralna banka FED kot organizacija, njeno zgodovinsko ozadje, njeni sestavni organi ter raznovrstna orodja, s katerimi razpolaga za doseganje gospodarske in finančne blaginje. Njena sestava in vodenje je edinstveno, tako kot njeno delovanje, saj predstavlja eno največjih svetovnih finančnih institucij, ...