García López, Ernesto Valenzuela Aguilera, Alfonso
In Mexico city, feminicide is intertwined with geographical and marginalization factors, concentrating in the most disadvantaged areas of the capital. This study employs the annual geolocation of crime data through the Geographic and Statistical Information System on Gender Violence (SIGEVIG) to correlate marginalization conditions with the locatio...
Duarte Auquilla, Ingrid
In this research, femicide in Ecuador was analyzed as a crime against humanity; femicide is defined as the murder of women because of their gender, and has reached alarming proportions in Ecuadorian society. The analysis reviewed the evolution of the terms used to describe these murders, from "uxoricide" to "femicide" to "femicide." In this way...
García Apaza, Jorge Eduardo Coaguila Turpo, Olga Soledad Talavera Herrera, Luis Antonio
This article explores the complexities of femicide, focusing on the typology of the crime and the importance of the gender approach. It raises the central question of whether femicide primarily represents a legal or ideological challenge. The first section addresses the need to establish a specific criminal type for femicide, questioning whether it...
Argüelles Ángeles, Víctor
This text will analyze the artist book 21,000 princesses (2015), by Ave Barrera and Lola Hörner; work mediated by an artistic and literary process, which stands out for the theme of femicide, treated from a system of stereotyped representations of femininity, in contrast to media representations externalized by the tabloid press. The particularity ...
Staliano, Pamela Mondardo, Marcos Yuri Kaneko, Adriana
Resumen El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la violencia contra las mujeres en la frontera entre Brasil (estado de Mato Grosso do Sul) y Paraguay (Departamento de Amambay) a través de informes periodísticos publicados en línea y de las legislaciones de ambos países. Para ello, a partir de lecturas del feminismo decolonial, se lograron identifi...
Velasco Dominguez, María de Lourdes
Resumen En México a partir de 2007 comenzó a instaurarse una política de militarización de la seguridad pública conocida como “guerra contra el narcotráfico” que incluyó el fortalecimiento del poder punitivo del estado para enfrentar los delitos vinculados al crimen organizado, así como la violencia contra las mujeres. En este marco, las muertes vi...
Ávila Sánchez, María de Jesús Jáureguí Díaz, José Alfredo
Resumen. Este estudio compara la normativa federal del feminicidio con las leyes estatales en 2018 y 2022, además de analizar su aplicación en las sentencias del estado de Nuevo León. Los hallazgos revelan una compleja y diversa legislación relacionada con el feminicidio en México, destaca la necesidad de mayor armonización y claridad en las leyes ...
Gómez Campos, Rubí de María
Resumen La violencia contra las mujeres alcanza su expresión más siniestra en el flagelo de nuestro tiempo: el feminicidio. No obstante, la respuesta social e institucional ha sido insólita. Grandes sectores sociales permanecen impasibles ante el aumento de asesinatos cruentos de mujeres y niñas. Inadmisible desde una concepción de humanidad crític...
Valdivia Devia, M. Ríos Alvarado, F.
Violenceagainstwomen,especiallylethalviolence,continuestobeoneofthemostseriousproblemsinsociety,whichiswhytheobjectivesofthisworkseektocharacterizethiscrimeinChile,toknowthedimensions of criminal trajectories and the typologies of the aggressors. The design is longitudinalretrospective. All the men denounced and detained by intimate partner homicid...
Roa Avella, Marcela Sanabria Moyano, Jesús E. Dinas Hurtado, Katherin
Gender-based violence has been defined by the United Nations as any harmful act based on socially ascribed gender differences. Among its many manifestations, that violence in its maximum expression goes as far as femicide; a phenomenon that far from diminishing, has spread around the world. On the other hand, artificial intelligence has appeared ...