Promoting “velvet bean” or mucuna pruriens as a cover crop in perennial systems and fallows
In the face of rapid urbanisation, population growth, and environmental degradation, there is an urgent need to rethink the design and construction of urban spaces. The thesis investigates the potential of architecture as a catalyst for the regeneration of the area surrounding the Abbey Mills Pumping Station in London, UK. The process is symbolical...
The wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus is common in woodlands and open areas of the Western Palearctic. Despite extensive research, little is known about its population ecology in fields in the Mediterranean area, where the climate involves great seasonal changes in environmental features. Here, we investigated wood mice seasonal fluctuations in the nu...
Land degradation is a major obstacle to agricultural development in Africa, where it’s accentuated by poor agricultural practices and climate change effects. Restoration of degraded lands is crucial to prevent incursions into virgin and marginal lands. A field experiment was carried out over a four-year period on two degraded sites, to assess and c...
Published in Frontiers in Environmental Science
Fallow is an important institutional guarantee for green agricultural development and an important measure to promote rural revitalization. Asset specificity is a crucial factor that affects farmers’ willingness to participate in fallow. In order to improve farmers’ willingness of to fallow and promote the long-term promotion of fallow system, base...
Chloris virgata is one of the most problematic summer grass species in southeastern Australia. A total of 40 populations of C. virgata were evaluated in the spring–summer season of 2021–2022 in an open environment at the Gatton Farms of the University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia, for their response to two acetyl-coenzyme-A carboxylase (ACC...
One of the best precursors for winter wheat is fallow. Its application aims to solve two important tasks: preserving and accumulating soil moisture and weed control. The authors of this paper have designed a new modular harrow for fallow tillage, which can work stably at a depth of 5–6 cm tillage while maintaining and even accumulating soil moistur...
Wild oat (Avena fatua L.) and feather fingergrass (Chloris virgata Sw.) are among the most problematic weed species in Australian winter and summer cropping systems, respectively. Pot trials were conducted in respective seasons to evaluate the integrated effect of simulated grazing and foliar-applied herbicides on the control of these weed species....
Agricultural expansion into natural habitats causes soil fertility decline after a period of cultivation. This study investigated changes in soil exchange properties in different farm types at Dompem and Adansam in the Forest and Forest–Savannah transition zones of Ghana as influenced by the duration of cultivation. Sixty farms were selected for so...
Pressure is mounting on the agricultural sector to reduce reliance on herbicides for weed control leading to increased interest in the potential of cover crops to control weeds in summer fallows. The weed suppression ability of three summer cover crop species, buckwheat, millet and teff, was evaluated in field trials at two sites near Camden, NSW i...