Kiefel, Layla
Cette thèse étudie le rôle des femmes dans l’un des rares groupes allemands de résistance au national-socialisme comptant un tiers de femmes (sur 300 personnes), l’Internationaler Sozialistischer Kampfbund (ISK). Ce parti a été créé en 1926 après avoir fait scission avec le parti social-démocrate allemand (SPD) et est dirigé par la pédagogue Minna ...
Burton, Adi Weber, Barbara
In “Letter on Humanism,” Martin Heidegger juxtaposes the notion of homelessness (Heimlosigkeit) with home-coming (Heimholung), i.e. the reawakening to our original relationship to Being. This focus on dwelling in Being represents an interesting modification from his earlier study of “incipience” (Anfang), which emphasizes departure. We follow the c...
Rodríguez-López, Carolina
Este trabajo analiza los rasgos emocionales de los primeros pasos del proceso exílico de José Gómez Ibáñez a través del estudio de su itinerario personal y profesional en los EE. UU. y de las expectativas, reacciones y actitudes que su decisión de permanecer fuera de España generó en su familia. Lo que para José fue un primer viaje de estudios en 1...
king, fergus j.
Exile was part of the juridical system of the late Republican and early Imperial Rome. 1 Pet 2.11 adopts the language of exile to identify its audience’s place within the world. Subsequent verses indicate a disparity between their own place and the world, or wider community, but fall short of rejecting wholesale the apparatus of the Roman state and...
Vitkauskaitė, Viktorija
Published in
Art History & Criticism
Many Lithuanian intellectuals fled from the occupied Lithuania during the Second World War and after it, including the most famous architects who created the architectural language of interwar Kaunas Modernism. After escaping from the war-torn country to the United States of America, they resumed their professional pursuits while living in exile. S...
Darat, Nicole Zuchel, Lorena
El presente texto aborda la figura de Antígona a través de las diversas recepciones que esta ha tenido en la teoría feminista, particularmente en María Zambrano, Judith Butler y Bonnie Honig, en tanto en cada una de ellas, además de una interpretación, hay un modelo de acción política y de confrontación con la institucionalidad. El exilio, el duelo...
Wihtol de Wenden, Catherine
« Mémoires des réfugiées et des réfugiés », numéro spécial sous la direction de Jean-Yves Potel, Catherine Rioux, Nathalie Vincent-Munnia / International audience
lapidot, elad
This article reviews recent books by Jewish thinkers that critique the idea of a Jewish state from the perspective of Jewish exile. It outlines two main approaches. The first, secular approach, rejects the Jewish state in favor of a secular state, seeing Judaism itself as the problem, whether arising from biblical violence or collective identity. T...
Holohan, Siobhan Sirriyeh, Ala
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
Maia, Rita Bueno
Published in
Open Cultural Studies
The present article explores the way translated literature informs on (i) how exile shapes the cities’ landscapes (both the starting city and the arrival), as well as (ii) the emotional hardship of the exilic condition, which entails a feeling of estrangement and the longing for imaginary homelands. To attain this twofold aim, it focuses on the eig...