Brito Alvarado, Leonardo Xavier Tamayo Rodríguez, Paulina Guamán Guadalima, Nelly
Wide and diverse criteria have been planned on melodrama, from its overvaluation as a cultural reference, to its marginalization in contemporary academic debates. However, it constitutes one of the most representative discourses in Latin America, on which various types of cultural industries and forms of social coexistence converge. This paper prop...
Zoric, Sara
This licentiate thesis discusses everyday life and turning points in the recovery processes of persons with co-occurring psychiatric disabilities and addiction. People with co-occurring psychiatric disabilities and addiction tend to be a vulnerable group in society, often needing extensive and collaborative care. Viewed from the lens of social work...
Belle, Jono Van Jernudd, Åsa
Published in
Baltic Screen Media Review
In this article, we discuss oral history interviews and memories as a method for media-historical research in the Baltic and Nordic regions from theoretical and practical points of view. We present an overview of relevant theoretical work in film studies (New Cinema History, Oral History, Cultural Memory, Cinema Memory). Furthermore, we demonstrat...
Črešnjar, Mateja
V diplomski nalogi sem pisala o vsakdanjem življenju družin, ki imajo otroka s kromosomsko posebnostjo, imenovano Downov sindromom. Otrok z Downovim sindromom postavi svojo družino pred številne izzive, povezane z njegovim razvojem in vzgojo. Z izzivi, ki jih prinaša življenje z Downovim sindromom, se spopadajo vsi člani družine, tudi sorojenci, ki...
gupta, paromita das
This article examines a distinctive and debated social group called the “Baboos” in late colonial India, particularly in Bengal. The Baboos represented the Western-educated, aspiring middle class who were integral to the British administration. They were often viewed skeptically for adopting the English language and Western lifestyle. This study de...
Orszulak-Dudkowska, Katarzyna
The subject of the considerations presented in the article is the table understood as an important element that co-creates the space of dwelling in different cultural environments. In Polish tradition, it has different meanings – sacralized, associated with ritual behaviors, functioning as a metaphor of meeting and a sign of hospitality. Involved i...
Sikora, Sławomir
The title of Adam Sikora’s film refers to one of the most important Catholic holidays. Lipiny (Silesia, near Katowice), where it was filmed, is famous for the colorful and spectacular procession that takes place on Corpus Christi day. However, the film focuses more on the idiom of everyday life, life in a place where extreme poverty has emerged as ...
Pazoki, Zahra Kheirkhah, Mohammad Taghi Gharibzadeh, Shahriar
Published in
Frontiers in Public Health
Cognitive training (CT) has emerged as a potential therapeutic approach for substance use disorders (SUD), aiming to restore cognitive impairments and potentially improve treatment outcomes. However, despite promising findings, the effectiveness of CT in real-life applications and its impact on SUD symptoms has remained unclear. This perspective ar...
Zavratnik, Veronika
Håkansson, Tania Svensson, Hilda Karlsson, Staffan
Published in
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Purpose Being of working age while at the same time needing to help a partner with young onset dementia has specific consequences for spouses. Research to date has been sparse concerning this particular group of spouses. The aim of the study was to explore spouses’ everyday experiences when living with a person with young onset dementia. Method The...