Pérez-Izquierdo, Carlos Pulido, Fernando
Cistus ladanifer L. (jara) es una especie arbustiva muy extendida en la región mediterránea y de gran interés para la industria cosmética, farmacológica y agroalimentaria. A pesar de su valor, este recurso se encuentra infrautilizado y presenta una gran variabilidad espacial y condiciones de extracción heterogéneas. El objetivo de este estudio es d...
Peraza Durán, Claudia Martínez Cordero, Francisco Javier Pérez Vázquez, Arturo
Objective: Characterize the world scientific literature of the last decade (2012-2022) on the assessment of tourism potential and analyze the methodologies used in such studies. Methodology: A Quantitative Systematic Literature Review (SQLR) was carried out, which, through the stages of identification, review and filtering and selection and analysi...
Smith Guerra, Pamela Henríquez Ruiz, Cristián
The higher temperatures, big amount of radiation, low vegetation cover, the imperviousness of natural soil, among other urban-climates factors, generate great uncomfortable and inconvenience conditions for the urban population. Albeit some features of the cities are regulated by environmental norms (air quality, noise) and urbanistic norms (land us...
Ruiz Orjuela, Liliana (author) Lizarazo Salcedo, Iván (author) León Sánchez, C.A. (author)
This article shows the development of an optimal location model, designed to respond to the deficit in the supply of justice facilities in the city of Bogotá D.C. - Colombia. This optimal location model considers criteria of spatial efficiency and territorial justice, as well as normative, geographical and social aspects that limit the selection of...
Pava Vargas, Andrés Fernando Fajardo, Luis Eduardo
Este documento presenta una evaluación con múltiples criterios de alternativas de ubicación para el ejercicio de la venta ambulante en el municipio de Tibasosa, Colombia. El objetivo principal fue identificar la localización estable que más se adaptara a las necesidades de desarrollo productivo de los vendedores informales, en armonía con las demás...
Santana Castañeda, Giovanna Aguilar, Adrián Guillermo
The creation of new medical service infrastructures means an alteration in people's living conditions, offering new opportunities to extend health care to the population and improve the quality of health in the Toluca Metropolitan Zone. The objective of this study is to determine the location of candidate areas that show these opportunities, system...
Narváez, Luciana Maricel
The Pocito department is located in a tectonically active area with a very high seismicity, for this reason the issue of seismic risk has been extensively dealt with specifically by specialists from various disciplines. However, all studies approach it from the point of view of the natural phenomenon that causes it or taking into account only the b...
Sevillano Rodriguez, Maria Eugenia
The purpose of this article is to Zone the flood threat in Santiago de Cali, Colombia, based on a multicriteria evaluation method integrated by seven analysis variables, constructed from the linear combination weighted and implemented in the platform of a geographic information system. The results shows that the threat classified as high, occupies ...
Uriarte Adrian, José de Jesús Plata Rocha, Wenceslao Corrales Barraza, Gabriela Beltrán González, José Carlos Remond Noa, Ricardo Romero Andrade, Rosendo
Due to an accelerated growth of artificial surfaces, an increasing interest in the changes on land use has been detected in the last decade, making it necessary to propose models able to create plans of optimal and sustainable development. The goal of this work is to identify the potentially most suitable spaces for urban growth, through geospatial...
Santillán-Fernández, Alberto Trejo Cabrera, Maryjose Martínez Sánchez, Araceli Martínez Ángel, Luis Vásquez Bautista, Nehemías Mejía, Salomón Luis
Resumen La región del Totonacapan, entre los límites del norte de Puebla y Veracruz, produce 80% de la vainilla en México, y es considerada el centro de origen de la especie Vanilla planifolia Jacks. Sin embargo, la superficie sembrada ha disminuido, lo que afecta la competitividad del sector. En el presente trabajo se realizó una caracterización s...