Palomino, Roy
En la década de los cincuenta, cuando el escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges fue traducido al francés en la colección La Croix du Sud de la editorial Gallimard, el éxito que despertó su obra en la crítica francesa fue casi instantáneo. Sin embargo, esta consagración estuvo acompañada de una desnacionalización de su identidad : Borges era calificad...
Suenzo, Facundo
This article offers a systematic literature review on news reception. While the literature on print media has approached news consumption from sociodemographic factors, content, and associated habits, studies of digital news consumption have focused on the underlying practices and motivations. Taken together, they have tended to focus on media as t...
Lozano Delmar, Javier Plaza Sánchez, Juan F. Sánchez Martín, Milagrosa
This study is based on a sample of Spanish viewers of audiovisual fiction, seeking to understand behavior associated with fan identity. A quantitative method was used to explore the characteristics shared by viewers who define themselves as fans, as well as the existence of differences according to various sociodemographic variables. To that end, t...
Jacks, Nilda Schmitz, Daniela
The paper reflects upon the appropriation of the Latin-American theories by the Brazilian scientific production in the area of reception studies. This frame is justified by the importance of the country in the continent’s investigation scenario, in both quantitative terms and in the continuous effort of the Brazilian’s academic research qualificati...
Valderrama Higuera, Carlos Eduardo Osses Rivera, Sandra Liliana
This article shows in a concise way the proposal of a model for reception studies of community radios. This is result of a collaborative research process with five community radio stations in Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Boyacá and Santander. Under the assumption that it is an open model and that it does not claim universality, the authors leaves some gui...
Alvarez de Morales Mercado, Cristina
Cerbino, Mauro Maluf, Marcia Ramos, Isabel
Resumen Este artículo analiza el dispositivo de comunicación política denominado Enlace Ciudadano, que conduce semanalmente el presidente ecuatoriano Rafael Correa y es transmitido por radio y televisión, con la finalidad de caracterizar los sentidos que construyen los ciudadanos en torno a la acción de gobierno, las relaciones de Correa con los me...
Sáez de Adana Herrero, Francisco
This paper presents a study of the reception of the series of newspaper comics Terry and the Pirates by Milton Caniff. The perception of the events of World War II that the readers of the series had is analyzed. This is a pioneering study regarding the reception of newspaper comics, a medium of communication of great importance in the analyzed peri...
Cerdá, Juan F.
After establishing Lorca�s possible access to Shakespeare�s plays, this essay seeks to characterise the transformation of Shakespeare�s dramatic materials � especially A Midsummer Night�s Dream and Hamlet, but also Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet and Othello � in Lorca�s early poetry (1917-1919). It analyses the neo-romantic reclamation of Shakespearean ...
Giraldo Villegas, Sara Elena Miranda Avendaño, Aixa Lucia
AbstractRecently, publicity spots generally known as institutional messages with contents against the different forms of violence have been emitted in national television. This marks the beginning of campaigns that encourage tolerance and pacific coexistence. However, it’s necessary to know the result of those messages, if they have achieved their ...