Gonis, Nikolaos
Published in
Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete
Notes on the elucidation of passages in texts from late antiquity obscured by the use of abbreviations and editorial misses, continued from APF 68 (2022) 336-43.
Storms-Smeets, E.A.C.
The Netherlands are faced with a large number of spatial challenges, such as climate adaptation, building houses for a growing population, energy transition, industrial growth and infrastructural expansions. The spatial pressure on our cultural landscape is increasing and it’s endangering valuable heritage sites. Country houses and estates are inte...
Fuertes Broseta, Miquel
El sistema polític característic de la Corona d’Aragó requeria d’un constant diàleg entrela corona i altres organismes que representaven la comunitat política. Aquesta comunicació política es va articular de manera diferent en cada territori. El treball s’aproxima a la representació institucional del regne de Sardenya durant el segle XVII i als mec...
Hooge, Roma Landy, Frédéric Noûs, Camille Ruiz, Laurent
International audience
Sánchez León, Pablo
This article analyses the concept of people (pueblo) in language, as a collective identity and as a subject of political representation in the crisis of the Hispanic monarchy from 1808 and throughout the constituent process that culminated in the promulgation of the Constitution of 1812. Based on the discursive uses of pueblo in chronicles, essays ...
Olsson, Patrik
The aim of this article has been to describe, analyse and discuss the Swedish deerpark (djurgård or djurhage in Swedish) and its development from a historical geographical perspective 1600–1800. The study is an overview and was performed by analysing historical maps regarding size, design, location, purpose and development. The survey located 120 d...
Roberti, Guillaume
Les querelles ou guéguerres entre frères et sœurs à l’occasion de la transmission du patrimoine de leur père ou mère trouvent souvent leur origine dans l’absence de confiance ou de communication entre enfants ou dans leur volonté d’une égalité (en valeur) presque impossible. Parfois des querelles opposeront aussi les enfants au conjoint ou partenai...
Zijlstra, H. (author)
The KaDEr research project is looking for possible changes in the policy to preserve built heritage in a sustainable way for the province of Gelderland. From 2017 to 2021, TU Delft conducts this research project. A lot of disciplines of TU Delft are involved from the Faculty of Architecture. The Heritage & Architecture (HA) is in the lead. Four the...
Berghmans, Sander
With the rise of wood prices in Western Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries, forest owners could increase their revenues. The duke of Arenberg, who owned large forests in the Southern Netherlands, France and the Rhine area, managed to grasp this opportunity. By managing internal and external challenges, the dukes of Arenberg improved the prod...
Lukančič, Neža
Diplomsko delo obravnava stavbno in družbenopolitično zgodovino lontovža kranjskih deželnih stanov (nem. das Landhaus, slo. deželna hiša), ki je bil v več fazah grajen od začetka 16. stoletja naprej. Del nekdanje palače kranjskih deželnih stanov še danes kot sedež Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti stoji na vogalu Gosposke ulice in Novega tr...