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with enskilda skogsägare as keyword
Spjuth, Linn Varde, Elin
Nästan hälften av landets enskilda skogsägare finns i Götaland och tillsammans äger de nära 80% av den produktiva skogsmarken i denna region. Flera studier har undersökt den enskilde skogsägarens mål och handlingar men ofta saknas djupare kunskap om vad som ligger bakom dessa mål och hur eventuella hinder och utmaningar påverkar dem. I d...
Sjösten, Emil Eriksson, Simon
This study intends to investigate how different demographic groups among individual forest owners in Sweden view issues related to sustainable forestry. The study also intends to investigate what different individual forest owners perceive as positive/negative aspects in terms of species protection and policy changes. It also investigates in what w...
Luckey, Amanda
ABSTRACT The law regulating what non-industrial private forest owners (NIPF's) can and cannot do within their forest holdings is an outline law. Thus the NIPF's have great opportunity to shape the landscape inside their holdings by their own will. Their perceptions of their holdings can thus be of great interest. This because information about thei...