Johansson, Elsa Larsson, Felicia
As a way of dealing with environmental problems, different policies and goals can be set. One of the sectors that often is excluded from these types of regulations is the defence sector, and for the sector to become more sustainable, additional research is needed within this area. This thesis aims to contribute to filling in the knowledge gap about...
Sylten Wikell, Sigrid
The building sector in Sweden is responsible for 40 % of the final energy use, and space heating largely contributes to the total energy demand. Minimum energy performance standards and building codes are becoming more strict and comprehensive globally. In the European Union there are substantial goals of achieving a higher energy efficiency in the...
Lloyd, Adam Tahmidi, Nima
Denna studie undersöker hur ett smart energihanteringssystem påverkar användarbeteende och vanor hos användaren när det kommer till energianvändning. Med dagens fokus på energi och dess viktighet i samhället utvecklas tjänster som tillåter individen att övervaka sin energiförbrukning. Exempel på sådana tjänster är E.ON Elna™ och Tibber, där använda...
Lidén, Jimmy
Today, energy efficiency is an increasingly important question in which progress is accelerating. One of the high electricity demand energy users is public transport. In addition, passenger satisfaction with thermal comfort is an important parameter. Consequently, it is essential to consider thermal comfort in combination with the energy-saving mea...
Kawamoto Enarsson, Alfred Mathisen, Thoni Vornanen, Jani
Purpose: The purpose of the work was to map how the 23 cities that have signed the climate contract with the Viable Cities innovation program are working with the climate transition, but also to gain insight into the companies' climate work in the construction sector. Method: The method for developing the basis for the work has been in the form of ...
Potila, Elma
Energibehov och energibesparing är något som är en viktig fråga får många hushåll just nu.Med skenande elpriser är det många som vill, och behöver, reducera sin förbrukning. En godidé för att minska energibehoven i gamla hus är att tilläggsisolera. Genom att tilläggsisoleragår det att minska energibehovet och även de uppvärmningskostnader som uppko...
Dalrud, Hannah
In recent years, sustainability efforts have become more common in the construction industry than ever before due to new directives on certifications and sustainability monitoring. In autumn of 2021, the construction company Rekab Entreprenad AB became a part of, a larger group of companies which resulted in higher requirements in sustainability th...
Andersson, Nils Lindberg, Samuel
Det används stora mängder energi inom kontorslandskap för att reglera inomhusklimatet. Intresset har ökat för energisparande åtgärder både politiskt och privat. För kontorsbyggnader är fönster en stor andel av klimatskärmen vilket har en stor påverkan på värme- och kylvärmeenergin som tillförs in i kontorsbyggnaden. Elektrokroma fönster kan, genom ...
Endtbacka, Emma
Purpose: This study aims to investigate and compare a range of factors that can contribute to differences in energy calculations and the energy declaration. Method: To investigate this, a literature study has been carried out where the collection of facts and information is used to complement the case study that has also been carried out. The case ...
Hjulström, Anna
Purpose: The purpose of this degree project was to compare the differences in energy demand for three different sizes of smaller, detached one-family houses in Sweden, and to investigate the advantages and challenges of living in a significantly smaller house than the typical Swedish one-family house. Method: The comparison was made between one typ...