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with employee perception as keyword
san martin, camila flores
Tato diplomová práce si klade za cíl prozkoumat vztah mezi společenskou odpovědností firem (CSR-Corporate Social Responsibility) a angažovaností zaměstnanců (EE-Employee Engagement) ve vybrané mexické společnosti. V posledních letech získává CSR stále větší pozornost ze strany podniků, které se snaží řešit sociální a environmentální problémy. Tato ...
Wallner, Astrid Edström, Oskar
Den hybrida arbetsmodellen har blivit allt vanligare i många organisationer efter att covid-19- pandemin förändrade sättet som företag och deras anställda kunde arbeta på. Faktorer som ledarskap, organisationskultur och digitala verktyg spelar avgörande roller i implementeringen av den hybrida arbetsmodellen, vilket kräver anpassning och f...
Kim, Hyunok Lee, Myeongju
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Stakeholder interest in the accuracy of Environment Social and Governance (ESG) data and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) authenticity has increased, as more companies are disclosing their ESG data. Employees are one of the most important stakeholders of a company, and they have access to more CSR information than other external stakeholders. ...
Kim, Amy Wang, Shuoqi McCunn, Lindsay Sadatsafavi, Hessam
Published in
Frontiers in Built Environment
A case study was undertaken on one floor of a multi-floor office building in Seattle, WA. Its aim was to offer a straight-forward example for facilities managers, administrators, and researchers alike wishing to perform systematic, naturalistic, mixed-methods research in office spaces that have recently been retrofitted. Changes were made to the fl...
Curzi, Ylenia Fabbri, Tommaso Scapolan, Anna Chiara Boscolo, Stefano
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
In digital competitive environments, organizations’ ability to innovate is more than ever the key to competitive advantage. One way to cope with this increased pressure for innovation is to capitalize on employees’ ability to generate new ideas and use these as building blocks for new and better products, services, and work processes. Individual in...