Țîrlea, Anca Victoria Kifor, Claudiu Vasile Dănuţ, Raluca Elena Nicolaescu, Sergiu Ștefan Săvescu, Roxana Florența
Published in
In the field of teleworking research, there are still many gaps and unexplored topics, as it is no longer news that teleworking has seen significant growth in recent years. There are still many important aspects that need attention, starting from understanding how this working model will evolve in the long run to understanding what its effects will...
Nemac, Lara
Magistrska naloga predstavlja pregled ključnih izzivov in priložnosti, povezanih z uporabo umetne inteligence v delovnem okolju. Ker je umetna inteligenca izkazala svojo sposobnost za optimizacijo delovnih procesov z avtomatizacijo rutinskih nalog in s povečanjem splošne delovne učinkovitosti, jo delodajalci vse bolj vključujejo v različne faze (sk...
Suder, Seili Siibak, Andra
Published in
International labour review
This article explores the potential uses by employers of contact-tracing apps and other monitoring technologies to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, and the potential concerns that these raise in the context of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation. Given the imbalance of power in the employment relationship, the authors call for n...
Aloisi, Antonio DE Stefano, Valerio
Published in
International labour review
An unprecedented COVID-19-induced explosion in digital surveillance has reconfigured power relationships in professional settings. This article critically concentrates on the interplay between technology-enabled intrusive monitoring and the augmentation of managerial prerogatives in physical and digital workplaces. It identifies excessive supervisi...
jandl;, christian
In the course of the digitization of production facilities, tracking and tracing of assets in the supply chain is becoming increasingly relevant for the manufacturing industry. The collection and use of real-time position data of logistics, tools and load carriers are already standard procedure in entire branches of the industry today. In addition ...
Šporn Krajnc, Žan
Narava sodobnih delovnih razmerij od delavcev zahteva uporabo modernih informacijskih sredstev in neživljenjsko je pričakovati, da delavci teh sredstev ne bi občasno uporabili tudi za zasebne namene. Pri tem pogosto pride do kolizije interesov, in sicer na eni strani legitimnega interesa delodajalca do nadzora delavca, ki izhaja tako iz narave delo...
Friedman, Barry A. Reed, Lisa J.
Published in
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal
The tradeoff between employees’ workplace privacy and employers’ need to protect company assets, safeguard proprietary information, and avoid costly litigation has been receiving increased attention (Lee and Kleiner 2003; Mello 2003; National Workplace Institute 2004). This tradeoff often favors employers, as the legal system provides much leeway f...
Martin, Kirsten Freeman, R. Edward
Published in
Journal of Business Ethics
Employee monitoring has raised concerns from all areas of society – business organizations, employee interest groups, privacy advocates, civil libertarians, lawyers, professional ethicists, and every combination possible. Each advocate has its own rationale for or against employee monitoring whether it be economic, legal, or ethical. However, no ma...
Weckert, John
Published in
Ethics and Information Technology
Changes in information technologylead to new topics and new emphases in computerethics. The present article examines a varietyof such issues, and argues that computer ethicsmust become more rigorous and develop astronger theoretical base. The articleconcludes with a discussion of ways to makecomputer ethics more effective in bringinghelpful changes...