Turmo Garuz, Joaquín Bartual-Figueras, M. Teresa Sierra-Martínez, F. Javier
El estudio de la empleabilidad pretende analizar las competencias desarrolladas por los estudiantes y su relevancia para la consecución de un empleo. Se trata de reducir los desajustes entre oferta y demanda de trabajo. La realización de prácticas en empresas se ha revelado como un importante factor de mejora de la empleabilidad, porque mejora de l...
Martínez Carrasco, Roberto
In a professional context marked by volatility, university graduates’ employability has become a hot debate topic open to a myriad of interpretations about the mission of universities and professional market expectations. In that scenario, Spanish degrees in Translation and Interpreting have progres-sively introduced work placements and employment-...
González González, Cynthia Yelin
Initially, to address job placement in graduates, it is necessary to implement its own methodology that can evaluate fundamental aspects for decision-making. Consequently, it is based on the results of the survey application to psychology graduates. Therefore, it establishes phases in the process through the definition, analysis of internal and ext...
Acuña Vásconez, Nancy Patricia Navarrete Acuña, Melanie Alejandra Navarrete Herrera, Manuel Mesias
The present study aims to analyze the importance of soft skills in higher education and their impact on the job performance of graduates through a documentary review. Recent empirical studies covering various specialties and educational contexts were reviewed. The methodology used was descriptive and correlational, focused on the analysis of docume...
Cauich Uicab, Manuelita Concepción Peniche Lozano, Adda Alejandrina Magaña Valencia, Karina Gabriela Moguel Ruz, Diana Eugenia Pérez Rosado, Sonia Mariana
El proyecto de investigación titulado "Desarrollo de una metodología para el análisis de trayectoria escolar y seguimiento de egresados de los programas educativos 1999 y 2018" se centra en la creación de un enfoque sistemático para estudiar las rutas educativas y el progreso de los egresados de programas educativos en los años mencionados. La moti...
Torres, Sara Sánchez Vizcaíno, Elena Fernández Costa O'Dogherty, Rubén
The descriptive analysis of the perceptions of trans-ferable skills of students and teachers of a university education institution that teaches Degrees in Perfor-ming Arts, Cinematography, Music, Fine Arts, and Photography is shared. Including transferable skills in higher artistic education can favor students� personal and professional development...
Chaves Hernández, Stefanny Córdoba Calderón, Jocksuan Oses Berrocal, Kevin
This research focuses on recognize the gender inequalities present in the labor market and their impact on professionals in the field of psychology. The methodology employed consists of a qualitative approach based on a multiple case design, where semi-structured interviews were conducted, with the purpose of understanding the expectations and expe...
Martínez Jiménez, Alberto
This article analyzes and characterizes the employability of graduates from the National Public Accounting (CPA) program at the National University of Pilar (UNP). The research evaluates factors affecting labor insertion and the professional development of graduates from 2018 to 2023, using a mixed-methods approach that combines quantitative and qu...
González González, Cynthia Yelin
The present study is a topic of great impact in educational research, whose general objective is to analyze the impact of academic training on the labor insertion of psychology graduates at the UMECIT university. In this sense, this study allows us to evaluate the employment rate, areas of specialties, and level of satisfaction of graduates. The di...
Reinoso Molina, Walter Alvaro Zambrano Muñoz, Tatiana Jeniffer Orozco Villacres, Jenniffer Valeria Castro Villacreses, Victor Humberto Aranda Pazmiño, Sandra Paulina
Collaboration between educational institutions and companies in the creation of inclusive technical training programs has become essential to adapt education to the changing demands of the labor market and promote social inclusion. These efforts are designed to improve students' employability by aligning their skills with current and future employm...