Chaturvedi, Vaibhav Ghosh, Arunabha Garg, Amit Avashia, Vidhee Vishwanathan, Saritha Sudharmma Gupta, Dipti Sinha, Nilesh Kumar Bhushan, Chandra Banerjee, Srestha Datt, Divya
Published in
Environmental Research Letters
The announcement of India’s 2070 net-zero target has demonstrated the power of a credible policy signal and changed the course of India’s climate debate. While the Government of India (GoI) has not specified whether this target refers to carbon-dioxide or all greenhouse gases, the announcement has been a watershed moment in India’s climate policy. ...
Malik, Arunima Lafortune, Guillaume Mora, Camille Carter, Sarah Lenzen, Manfred
Fossil and mineral raw materials cause unintended and detrimental environmental and social impacts via extraction, production and combustion processes. In this study, we analyse how consumer demand in the European Union (EU) drives environmental and social impacts in mining sectors worldwide. We employ multiregional input-output analysis to quantif...
Sullivan, Michael
Constraining high emissions discretionary travel is an essential part of climate change mitigation. This working paper contends that the time has come for governments to require businesses and private citizens to reduce discretionary travel and minimize emissions where travel cannot be avoided. In the near-term, technology alone cannot solve the pr...
Pope, Jason Coburn, Timothy Bradley, Thomas
Published in
Environmental Research: Energy
Greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels, including the predominant energy generation method in many countries, coal power plants, face challenges resulting from the pursuit of climate policy. Modelling performed by intergovernmental organizations detailing scenarios to reach global decarbonization goals include the reduction of burning o...
Steinsultz, Nat Christian, Pierre Cofield, Joel McCormick, Gavin Sofia, Sarah
Published in
Environmental Research: Energy
Increasingly large amounts of electric supply and load are being deliberately operated or sited on the basis of marginal emissions factor (MEF) models. Validating and calibrating such models is therefore of growing policy importance. This paper uses a natural experiment involving variation in relative changes in wind generation potential at wind fa...
vrbka, jakub
Závazky k rychlému snížení emisí CO2 v letectví se stávají čím dál tím důležitějšími a vedou k intenzivnějšímu úsilí o dosažení cílů dekarbonizace. Nízkoemisní transformace letišť představuje klíčový krok v řetězci snižování uhlíkové stopy v celém leteckém odvětví. Předmětem této bakalářské práce je analýza dekarbonizačních projektů, plánů a strate...
borovec, štěpán
Cílem této bakalářské práce je přispět k lepšímu pochopení potenciálu vodíku jako nosiče energie a jeho využití v rafinériích. Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na analýzu aktuálních projektů dekarbonizace rafinérií pomocí zeleného vodíku a návrh vlastního výpočtu pro zlepšení udržitelnosti rafinérií. V první kapitole jsou popsány základní charakteristi...
Tibesigwa, Timothy Olupot, Peter W. Kirabira, John B.
Published in
Frontiers in Energy Research
Sustainable energy sources are continually advocated as the globe strives to transition from non-renewable forms. Energy security risks associated with the gradual depletion of petroleum resources and the related climate change effects require remedies. Nations have enacted laws stipulating biofuel blending mandates to reverse these adverse effects...
Abdulwadood, Huda W. Hameed, Reem Sh. Mustafa, Reem I.
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Achieving a connection between sustainability processes and environmental protection, or what is known as sustainable development, requires paying more attention to environmental and sustainability issues for various projects and their effects on environmental problems. It involves determining the most appropriate ways to deal with them within pill...
Septiyanto, Angga Roziqin, Ahmad Suwahyo, Kriswanto, Hapsoro, Bayu Bagas Fauzi, Ikhwal Hangga, Arimaz Wiratama, Bayu Suni, Alfa Faridh Fauzi, Mahfudh
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
This research aims to measure the performance and emission of motorcycle engines using three types of mufflers. Original Equipped manufacturer (OEM), High Performance Low Pollution Muffler (HPLPM), and free flow exhaust were used in this research with various placement distances of the catalytic converter. This research utilized a quantitative meth...