Jacobsen, Anders-Christian
Published in
Open Theology
This article examines the feminine aspect of Sophia, a significant title for Christ in Origen of Alexandria’s theology. It investigates whether Origen recognized and utilized Sophia’s femininity to develop a Christology that incorporates female elements or if he downplayed this aspect to counter Gnostic interpretations, particularly those of the Va...
adamson, peter beidokhti, hanif amin
The Neoplatonic notion of “emanation” implies a required progression through hierarchical stages, originating from the highest principle (the One or God) and cascading down through a series of principles. While this process is deemed necessary, it is also inherently good, even “choiceworthy”, aligning with the identification of the first principle ...
cai, zhenyu
In Islamic tradition, the Falsafa school is well known for its naturalistic account of religion. When Falsafa’s theory of religion made its way to the Latin West, it was embraced and developed into the so-called “double truth theory” in Latin Averroism. However, this theory quickly lost its influence in the Latin tradition, primarily due to the cri...
Théry, Philippe
Introduire un colloque lors duquel tous les aspects de l’immunité d’exécution seront ensuite examinés rend cette tâche difficile. Aussi, plutôt que de l’affronter, ces propos introductifs aborderont, sans d’ailleurs les approfondir, quelques aspects de l’immunité d’exécution, substantiels, mais aussi procéduraux, qui peuvent paraître secondaires. L...
lala, ismail alwazzan, reham
This article explores the concept of transcendental happiness in the philosophies of arguably the two most important figures in Islamic intellectual thought, Abū ‘Alī ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037) and Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ‘Arabī (d. 638/1240). The most striking parallels between the philosophy of Ibn Sīnā and that of Ibn ‘Arabī is in their agreement on the Ar...
chistyakova, olga vasilievna chistyakov, denis igorevich
This article reveals the continuity of Neoplatonic ideas in Greek-Byzantine patristics in the process of elaboration of the triadic dogma by the Church Fathers. Common and distinctive principles of Neoplatonism and Eastern Christianity are deduced from the point of view of the shaping of Christian ethics and the processing of Neoplatonic concepts i...
mullins, r. t.
In contemporary theology, one can find an array of models of God to choose from. There are various types of arguments that one can put forth in order to reject one model, or to defend another model. In this paper, I wish to examine one popular type of argument. This argument typically says that one should reject a model of God that blurs the creato...
Guţu, Bogdan Lucian
Published in
Theatrical Colloquia
This text in front of you is the translator’s review, a case study, but also a deep analysis of tragedy Menelao (una tragedia contemporanea) written in 2016 by Davide Carnevali. The playwright sees în Menelaus an anti-hero with aspirations of a hero: recently returned after an exhausting fight, the king of Sparta finds himself sliding into an exist...
Pierce, Emily Rose
Environmental DNA (eDNA) is nucleic acids outside of living organisms found in air, soil, water, and ice. It is shed by organisms through waste and other bodily fluids, as well as cells sloughed off the outside of an organism. eDNA breaks down over time, especially when exposed to UV, heat, and bacteria. Scientists can analyze eDNA to identify orga...
Ehret, Charles
In thirteenth-century philosophical psychology, it is commonly held that the powers of the soul, responsible for a living being’s various operations, “flow” from the soul’s essence. The phrase is used systematically by Albert the Great, who imports it from Avicenna. It suggests that the soul, considered as a separate substance, is ontologically dis...