Alves-Wold, Aline Walgermo, Bente Rigmor McTigue, Erin Uppstad, Per Henning
Published in
Frontiers in Education
Motivation is essential for writing success. However, investigations of writing motivation in younger students often overlook the students’ voices, basing instead—insufficiently—findings solely on teachers’ and/or researchers’ observations. The present systematic literature review highlights the importance of also listening to students’ own perspec...
Paskovske, Asta Kliziene, Irina
Published in
Frontiers in Education
Mathematical word problems are widely recognized as essential tools for assessing the practical application of mathematical knowledge among students. This study endeavors to ascertain the extent to which elementary school students' problem-solving skills have been investigated utilizing eye tracking technology and to elucidate the contribution of e...
Acosta, Jasmen
Parental involvement, especially in elementary schools, is a good resource for students to achieve academic success. This research paper aims to educate and understand the effects of Parental involvement on elementary students' academic performance. There is a plethora of resources for parents and teachers of parental involvement in their child's a...
Senekovič, Urška
V magistrskem delu raziskujemo uspešnost in klimo v osnovnošolskih razredih z otroki s posebnimi potrebami (OPP). Zanimajo nas konkretne stvari: ali je klima pozitivna, spodbudna, stabilna / koliko je izključenih, prezrtih učencev / kolikšni sta količini kazni in discipline ter kakšna je učna uspešnost v primerjavi z razredi brez OPP. V teoretičnem...
Scannell, Emily J Scannell, Thomas Jacobs, Karen
Published in
Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics
This study compares experiences of occupational therapy practitioners (OTPs) and other elementary school educators when supporting students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The aim is to establish collaborative methods for OTPs and other educators to support students with ADHD. Recommendations to overcome barriers to supporting...
Yman, Frida Wihlborg, Ida Karlsson, Catharina
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie är att undersöka vad nationell och internationell forskning från de senaste två decennierna har att säga om dramapedagogik. Därtill har studien för avsikt att undersöka vad som kan uppnås genom att använda dramapedagogik i undervisningen och hur det påverkar elevernas utveckling. Materialet har valts u...
Urrutia González, Patricio Alejandro Tassara Hoy, Eugenio Ernesto
The integration of technologies in the classroom is a problematic situation, which has prevented students from incorporating digital learning. The recent COVID 19 pandemic revealed gaps in the family technological cultural capital, a relevant issue, because the family, i.e. parents and guardians, are a factor in the integration of technology in the...
Corella, Meghan
Published in
Frontiers in Communication
Although researchers of language and communication have become increasingly interested in both embodiment and conflict in recent years, little is known about how elementary students use embodied actions modeled by their teachers as they engage in peer conflicts. This paper addresses such questions, focusing on the “quiet coyote” gesture and the “op...
Moran, Renee M. R. Robertson, Laura Tai, Chihche Ward, Natalia A. Price, Jamie
Published in
Frontiers in Education
This paper focuses on how one innovative teacher education model, that included a unique residency model and the integration of computational thinking and digital teaching and learning in elementary classrooms, supported the development of adaptive expertise in pre-service teacher education programs. The theoretical frame applied in this study is a...
Finet, Chloë; 94451; Vandebosch, Heidi; Lubon, Anouck; 133177; Colpin, Hilde; 16214;
Despite the central role that teachers can have in preventing and reducing bullying, they often feel insecure about how to deal with bullying. This study evaluated a short teacher training - called the Teachers SUPporting POsitive RelaTionships (T-SUPPORT) training - that aims to reduce bullying by supporting teachers in building positive teacher-s...