Kafar, Marcin
The article is an attempt to apply in auto/biographical work the principles of CAP ethnography (creative analytical practices), a concept by Laurel Richardson, which assumes the abolition of the division between “product” and “process,” which leads to multidimensional engagement of creative perception. The adopted perspective refers to the traditio...
Pankowska, Krystyna
The aim of the study which adopts an anthropological and pedagogical perspective is to reflect on the community functions of art that uses comedy eliciting laughter. The subject of interest is therefore comedy-related laughter perceived as a socio-cultural phenomenon. The article examines various forms of comedy that cause laugher, and discusses th...
Huerta, Ricard
This research establishes the need to train primary school teachers in visual literacy. It initiated from an exploratory study which analyzed the learning process of pupils in order to evaluate the educational possibilities of visual culture, using a case study as methodology, and Arts-Based Educational Research which involved one hundred universit...
Szuścik, Urszula
In the article, the topic of community is presented in relation to art, education, and aesthetic education. Attention was paid to the value of art and related educational activities in shaping community. The art refers to the work of Joseph Beuys and his interpretation of social art and social sculpture. Artistic activities that are proposed in the...
Borowiak, Stanisław
The 8th Scientific Conference of Dobrzyca organized by the Museum of the Landed Gentryin Dobrzyca on September 14–15, 2023 covered two groups of issues. The first one, titled “Family Archives”, was devoted to issues related to the remaining archives owned by former landed gentry families – storage and conservation at home, making them available for...
Kasprzyk, Damian
The text presented is an attempt at summarizing French intellectual orientations influencing Polish regionalism. Phenomena that can be treated as heralding regionalism per se – the development of research on the history of particular localities and lands, folklore, geographic and linguistic works, development of local journalism or artistic and edu...
Jędrasiak, Dariusz
Praca jest związana z dyplomacją publiczną, siłą miękką państwa. Podstawowym pytaniem, które stawia sobie autor jest w jaki sposób i czy w ogóle współpraca edukacyjna może sprzyjać rozwojowi relacji między Polską i Japonią oraz czy programy realizowane w szkołach średnich mogą zmieniać wizerunek Japonii w naszym kraju? Te szczegółowe pytania uzupeł...
Czajkowska, Agata
Podjęta w rozprawie problematyka badawcza została zbudowana wokół trzech kluczowych zagadnień: Holokaustu, pamięci i edukacji. Przedmiotem przeprowadzonych w orientacji jakościowej badań jest pamięć o Holokauście jako tworzywo doświadczenia biograficznego nauczycieli kształtujące praktykę edukacyjną. Punktem wyjścia dla przeprowadzonych badań był n...
Kruszelnicki, Wojciech
The paper compares the interpretation of the concept of ideology within educational research undertaken by certain Catholic scholars, with the secular problematization of this concept on the grounds of both Polish and foreign educational studies. By using the example of selected theorists representing Catholic pedagogy, the author aims to demonstr...
Maślak, Edyta Popławska, Justyna
Malaysia is a culturally and ethnically diverse country in Southeast Asia. The aim of the work is to examine the causes and impact of the lack of cohesion and integrity in Malaysian society, as well as to check whether the local government counteracts divisions among the discussed nation. Basic information about Malaysia and an analysis of indicato...