shen, ya lin, xu you, chengming zhang, li han, li wang, lixia liu, sining hongwei, xu tan, bo zhenfeng, xu
The interactive effects of environmental heterogeneity caused by forest gaps and ectomycorrhizae on fungal community characteristics remain insufficiently explored. To address this knowledge gap, we established a three-year field manipulation experiment in a Picea asperata (Picea asperata Mast.) plantation located in the subalpine region of western...
kim, jea hyeoung bae, eun-kyung hue, yoeguang choi, byungheon kang, min-jeong park, eung-jun kim, ki-tae
Tricholoma matsutake, a highly valued ectomycorrhizal fungus, requires a symbiotic relationship with pine trees for growth, complicating its cultivation. This study presents a comprehensive comparative genomic analysis of Tricholoma species, with a focus on T. matsutake. Genomic data from 19 assemblies representing 13 species were analyzed to ident...
Mudbhari, Sameer Lofgren, Lotus Appidi, Manasa R. Vilgalys, Rytas Hettich, Robert L. Abraham, Paul E.
Published in
Using a combination of genomics and metabolomics, this study’s findings offer new insights into the chemical diversity of Suillus fungi, which serve a critical role in forest ecosystems.
giorgi, veronica amicucci, antonella landi, lucia castelli, ivan romanazzi, gianfranco peroni, cristiano ranocchi, bianca zambonelli, alessandra neri, davide
Tuber melanosporum is an ascomycete that forms ectomycorrhizal (ECM) symbioses with a wide range of host plants, producing edible fruiting bodies with high economic value. The quality of seedlings in the early symbiotic stage is important for successful truffle cultivation. Numerous bacterial species have been reported to take part in the truffle b...
chen, haoyu jiawei, wu liu, junping tan, pengpeng zhu, kaikai peng, fangren
Although they are a valuable edible ectomycorrhizal fungus, truffles (Tuber spp.) nevertheless face significant difficulties in the development of their scale. As a type of high economic value nut-like economic forest tree, the pecan (Carya illinoinensis) serves as a natural host for truffles. However, the technology for mycorrhizal synthesis in pe...
Healy, R.A. Truong, C. Castellano, M.A. Bonito, G. Trappe, J. Caiafa, M.V. Mujic, A.B. Nouhra, E. Sánchez-Ramírez, S. Smith, M.E.
Published in
Persoonia : Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi
Amylascus is a genus of ectomycorrhizal truffles within Pezizaceae that is known from Australia and contains only two described species, A. herbertianus and A. tasmanicus . Species of Amylascus are closely related to truffles ( Pachyphlodes , Luteoamylascus ) and cup fungi ( Plicariella ) from the Northern Hemisphere. Here we reevaluate the species...
jian, li zhao, xiuhai
Conspecific negative density dependence (CNDD) and habitat filtering are critical to seedling survival. However, the relative importance of the two processes in affecting survival of seedlings with different types of mycorrhizae remains unclear. In this study, the effects of CNDD and habitat filtering on the survival of tree seedlings with differen...
Quiñónez-Martínez, Miroslava Gómez-Flores, Liliana de J. Garza-Ocañas, Fortunato Valero-Galván, José Nájera-Medellín, Jesús A.
Abstract Introduction: Ectomycorrhizal associations are an essential component of nutrient cycling and forest health. Objective: To evaluate the effects of spore inoculation of Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker & Couch and Astraeus hygrometricus (Pers.) Morgan on Pinus arizonica Engelm. growth. Materials and methods: Three mycorrhizal inoculation...
chen, xin mou, chunye zhang, qianqian bian, yinbing kang, heng
Tricholoma matsutake is one of the edible ectomycorrhizal fungi with great economic and ecological values. Artificially mycorrhized seedlings inoculated with T. matsutake strains from Finland and Japan have been widely reported. However, few reports on the morphological characteristics of mycorrhizae synthesized from the Chinese T. matsutake strain...
dan, du livesley, stephen j. arndt, stefan k. truong, camille miller, rebecca e.
Compost tea is a liquid organic amendment that has been reported to benefit plant growth and performance through positive effects on microbial communities and plant nutrition. However, few studies have demonstrated this for containerized plants produced in tree nurseries. Five common urban tree species (Acer negundo, Corymbia maculata, Ficus platyp...