Grable, John E. Hubble, Amy Kruger, Michelle Visbal, Melissa
Published in
Financial Planning Research Journal
The purpose of this study was to compare and contrast the concurrent, convergent, and predictive validity of a variety of risk tolerance tests and questionnaires. The tested measures represent tests and scales derived from economic and psychometric theory. It was determined that tests based on economic theory had similar predictive power, implying ...
Sawadogo, Arthur
Face à la hausse du chômage, les dirigeants des pays en voie de développement comme le Burkina Faso promeuvent l’entrepreneuriat comme un point essentiel de leur politique de développement. Cet article se propose d’identifier les déterminants de l’aspiration des étudiants à l’entrepreneuriat, et ce, principalement sous l’angle de la théorie économi...
Azan, Louis de l’Estoile, Étienne
La terre occupait une place centrale dans les travaux des premiers économistes du xviii e et xix e siècles. Le passage à une société industrielle et le développement des méthodes néoclassiques ont conduit à sa progressive marginalisation dans la pensée économique. Cette disparition est symptomatique d’un certain « oubli » des ressources naturelles ...
Vitu, Timothey
La théorie économique est-elle encore utile aujourd'hui ? Dans un nouveau livre, Alexander Tobón Arias répond à cette question (j'y reviendrai à la fin) en présentant et en tentant de promouvoir l'histoire de la théorie économique. L'auteur a été motivé pour écrire ce livre par un "mépris croissant de nombreux économistes pour la théorie économique...
Gilboa, Itzhak Postlewaite, Andrew Samuelson, Larry Schmeidler, David
La théorie économique comprend trois types d’approche. L’une examine les phénomènes économiques, l’autre développe des outils d’analyse, et la derniére étudie l’effort scientifique en économie en général et en théorie économique en particulier. Nous appelons la première approche « l’économie », la seconde, « le développement de méthodes économiques...
Aganbegyan, A G
Published in
Studies on Russian economic development
The article analyzes two approaches to developing economic policy, Keynesian and monetarist. The main ideas of J. Keynes and M. Friedman and their applicability as the basis for designing an anticrisis economic policy are considered in a historical context. It is shown that over the 1970s-1980s Friedman's ideas made it possible for the American eco...
Tuori, Klaus
The book is about money, central banking and constitutions. It explains how the European Central Bank was established to ensure stability and prosperity for the euro area. The ECB was guided and controlled by a coherent European Macroeconomic Constitution. However, this model has failed during recurring crises, and the ECB has started to act as the...
Ghosh, Shubha
Published in
Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics
Scarcity abounds in law just as abundance is subject to law's limitations. This Article builds on legal theory, economics, and social psychology to present the dialectic of scarcity and abundance as they interplay in our relationship to information and time. This Article has made two overarching arguments: one about scarcity, abundance, and regulat...
Johnson, Justin Andrew Salemi, Colette
Published in
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Modeling how communities benefit from common-property, depletable ecosystem services, such as non-timber forest product (NTFP) extraction, is challenging because it depends on agent proximity to resources and competition among agents. This challenge is greater when agents face complex economic decisions that depend on the state of the landscape and...
yang;, chung-cheng
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the rapid spread of COVID-19 around the world has become one of the main focuses of concern in almost every country, and governments have taken numerous measures to prevent/mitigate the spread of the disease. As an essential social determinant, COVID-19 has significantly impacted consumers’ food consumpt...