Vrevc Žlajpah, Žiga
Šport se prepleta z mednarodno politiko skozi celotno zgodovino in dokazano pozitivno vpliva tudi na vzorce mednarodne trgovine med državami. Cilj magistrske naloge je ugotoviti, kako, če sploh, poteka spodbujanje gospodarskega sodelovanja med državami v okviru velikih mednarodnih športnih dogodkov. Magistrsko delo tako s podrobno analizo dopolnjuj...
Quintana, Francisco
This thesis examines the rise of human rights in inter-American regional law and organisation. It contends that, first, despite their present centrality, inter-American human rights were originally not a priority of American states. Rather, the codification and institutionalisation of inter-American human rights that took place between 1945 and 196...
友次, 晋介
This article discusses the process of negotiation by which the Japanese government reached an agreement on economic and technological cooperation with the Cambodian government, in which both parties eventually decided to build an agricultural laboratory and medical center. In order to strengthen its economy, Cambodia wished to obtain economic aid f...
Drzymała, Agnieszka
The paper covers the issues of dialogue and cooperation between ASEM countries in the conditions of growing mutual international interdependencies and changing conditions of cooperation at the global level. It presents the ASEM countries which are taking steps aimed at deepening mutual relations. The paper shows one of the many aspects of mutual co...
Cañellas Mas, Antonio
El presente artículo analiza la misión diplomática de la embajada española en Colombia durante los primeros años sesenta, coincidiendo con el triunfo de la Revolución Cubana y la consolidación del sistema bipartidista del Frente Nacional pactado en el país andino. Dos hechos que marcarán nuestra línea de estudio, sobre todo a partir de las fuentes ...
Gratius, Susanne Puente, José Manuel
The Bolivarian Alliance for our America (ALBA) and its additional TCP (Trade Treaty of the People), driven by Cuba and Venezuela, emerged as an alternative to US hegemony and the proposal to create a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). Since 2014, the initiative has faced a double crisis: the critical political and economic situation in Venezue...
Camara, Abdoulaye Cheriet, Foued Fort, Fatiha
L’objet de ce travail exploratoire est triple. Il s’agit d’abord de mener une analyse critique de la littérature portant sur les issues des alliances stratégiques internationales. Ensuite, en s’inspirant des travaux de Blanchot (2006), de Reus et Ritchie (2004) et de Cheriet (2009), de proposer un « tableau de bord » de la mesure de la performance ...
Musabelliu, Marsela
Published in
Croatian International Relations Review
The Belt and Road Initiative proclaimed by President Xi in 2013, a strategy developed by the Chinese government, is very important to China but is not confined to China. In order for the initiative to be successful it needs to be embraced by the countries on the terrestrial and maritime route indicated in the plan. In the late 1980s Deng Xiaoping p...
Drzymała, Agnieszka
The aim of the paper is to show the history of economic relations between the European Union and Japan. This economy is very important to the EU and the countries of the EU are interested in further deepening areas of cooperation. Therefore it seems important to indicate the political will to continue mutual economic relations through the signing o...
Drzymała, Agnieszka
Published in
Comparative Economic Research
The aim of the paper is to show the history of economic relations between the European Union and Japan. This economy is very important to the EU and the countries of the EU are interested in further deepening areas of cooperation. Therefore it seems important to indicate the political will to continue mutual economic relations through the signing o...