Arable weeds and non-target plants in prospective risk assessment for plant protection products : Specific protection go...
Currently, fungicides are necessary to protect potato crops against late blight, Phytophthora infestans, one of the world’s most damaging crop pathogens. The introgression of plant resistance genes from wild potato species targeted specifically to the late blight pathogen into susceptible potato varieties may alleviate the environmental impact of c...
This development of the framework and approach for a Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) is based on a literature review. The literature identified some key challenges that need to be addressed for CEA to evolve into a consistent, appropriate tool to assist decision-making. These challenges included • A clear distinction of the receptor-led CEA fro...
The sheep tick (Ixodes ricinus) is widespread throughout Europe and can transmit Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.), which can cause Lyme borreliosis and B. miyamotoi, the agent of Borrelia miyamotoi disease in humans. Borrelia afzelii is the most common genospecies of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. in western Europe and it circulates between I. ric...
In de Krimpenerwaard liggen circa 6500 slootdempingen en vuilstorten. Het dempingsmateriaal bevatregelmatig verontreinigingen, zodat voor de hele regio sprake is van een geval van ernstigebodemverontreiniging. Het gebiedsgericht bodembeheerplan voorziet in het afdekken van deverontreinigde slootdempingen met gebiedseigen schone grond. De effectivit...
The current increase in application rate and usage frequency of application of pesticides in Ethiopia pose direct risks to surface water aquatic organisms and humans and cattle using surface water as a source of drinking water in rural parts of the country. A model based risk assessment as currently being used in Europe and elsewhere in the world i...
Het Nederlandse Kaderrichtlijn Mariene strategie Programma van Maatregelen (PvM) is geëvalueerd met behulp van de ODEMM methodiek. Deze methodiek is ontwikkeld binnen het door de EU gesubsidieerde FP7 project ODEMM (Options for Delivering Ecosystem-based Marine Management). Met deze methodiek kan worden vastgesteld in hoeverre het PvM de menselijke...
One of the major constraints for the development and expansion of the Asian aquaculture industry has been the proliferation of disease outbreaks. To overcome this issue, a wide range of veterinary medicines including antibiotics, parasiticides and medical disinfectants have been recently developed. Residual concentrations of veterinary medicines ap...
On behalf of the Office of Research and Risk Assessments (BuRO) of the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safey Authority (NVWA), IMARES conducted a species inventory in the Oyster basins in Yerseke and the surrounding area in the Eastern Scheldt, known to be subject to shellfish related activities. This inventory that was performed in September...