Despite earlier research on green energy, there is still a significant gap in understanding how energy-related uncertainties affect renewable energy consumption (REN), especially in developed nations. Thus, this study explicitly looks into how the energy-related uncertainty index (EUI) can promote (or diminish) REN in sixteen wealthy nations betwee...
The Chinese government has implemented numerous ecological policies in Qinghai Province aimed at protecting and restoring the natural ecosystem. Yet, amid global climate change, the precise effects of these policies on ecological improvement remain ambiguous. There is an urgent need for a comprehensive evaluation of the effects of these policies at...
This article looks at the state/forest relationship and how and when the state creates discourses about the forest to serve its current objectives and policies. It is a case study of the Polish state and its approach to forest restoration practices. Looking at past actions since 1918 through which the Polish state has restored the forest, the text ...
This important volume focuses on the sensitive issue of interrelationships between national parks situated near or within urban areas and their urban environment. It engages with both urban and conservation issues and and compares four national parks located in four large cities in the global South: Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, Mumbai, and Nairobi. T...
We bring up the issue related to the need and importance of undertaking an assessment of the present status of vegetation in Prebaikalia. The vegetation of this region has long been experiencing strong anthropogenic destructions, especially in the southern, more developed, areas. Anthropogenic impacts on vegetation continue to be enhanced thus infl...
Analiza je usmerjena na individualnopsihološke, strokovne, politične razsežnosti ekološke problematike. Ogroženost prebivalcev v bivalnem okolju se po podatkih raziskave Kvaliteta življenja v letih med 1984 ter 1991 dramatično poveča za dva do trikrat ter doseže 41% do 65% slovenske populacije. To je v nasprotju z optimističnimi ocenami, ki jih je ...