Berkhout, Petra de Haas, Wim Scholten, Martin
Deze notitie bevat 2 onderdelen: Deel 1. Advies opzet monitoring en evaluatiesysteem. Deel 2. Verkenning: uitwerking monitoring voor enkele thema’s die spelen in de kringlooplandbouw (bodemkwaliteit, bemesting, veevoer, biodiversiteit, klimaat, voedselconsumptie, neveneffecten).
Villarreal Herrera, Georgina
Dairy in Europe has undergone many changes in the last few years—the abolition of milk production quotas being a fundamental one. This study explores these changes in relation to the sustained social and environmental viability of the sector and how dairy processors' sustainability programs are a part of that. Regime change as outlined in transitio...
Verhagen, Jan Blom, Greet van Beek, Christy Verzandvoort, Simone
This study has two objectives: 1) Look at several approaches that aim to increase or promote sustainable agriculture, and to identify similarities and differences, while deriving implications for policy makers. 2) Provide insight in how the approaches to sustainable agriculture contribute to these priorities.
Liu, Min
Grasslands play a significant role in the global ecosystem, livestock production and millions of household livelihoods. However, grassland degradation has become a worldwide problem, and rural poverty has become exacerbated in some pastoral areas. The sustainable management and use of grasslands that maintain the productive and adaptive capacity of...
van Meijl, Hans Ruben, Ruerd Reinhard, Stijn
One of the major challenges facing global society today is the provision of food, water, energy, healthcare and other resources & services in a world characterised by increasing population, mounting environmental stresses and rising inequality. There is a need for circular and resilient food systems which close material flow loops in the entire sup...
van Doorn, Anne Westerink, Judith Nieuwenhuizen, Wim Melman, Dick Schrijver, Raymond Breman, Bas
In dit rapport wordt verkend hoe vergroening en verduurzaming van de landbouw het beste binnen het GLB ondersteund kan worden: via vergroening van de directe betalingen (1 e pijler) of via contracten voor agrarisch natuurbeheer (2 e pijler). Daarnaast wordt verkend voor welke doelen het zinvol is om agrarische collectieven in te zetten, indien de a...
de Olde, Evelien
Current environmental, economic and social challenges urge agriculture to change to more sustainable modes of production. Insight in the impact of a system or a potential innovation on sustainability could support decision makers in identifying actions towards sustainable development. Over the past decade, therefore, a large number of tools have be...
Geertsema, W. Bianchi, F.J.J.A. Pulleman, M.M. van Rijn, P.C.J. Rossing, W.A.H. Schaminee, J.H.J. van der Werf, W.
Ecosysteemdiensten spelen een belangrijke rol bij het verduurzamen van de landbouw. Maatregelen voor het versterken van ecosysteemdiensten kunnen genomen worden op verschillende ruimtelijke schaalniveaus, van perceel tot landschap. Voor maatregelen op landschapsschaal is samenwerking tussen boeren en andere belanghebbenden onmisbaar. Dit artikel be...
van der Wurff, A.W.G. Streminska, M.A. Elings, A.
The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture has the ambition to boast the sustainable production of rice in order to meet the increasing demand. Resource use efficiency can be improved if production loss owing to plantpathogens is resolved. Knowledge on the role of biodiversity on system stability must be translated Agricultural practices. Species with ...
Brussaard, L.
Bezoek aan 3 akkerbouwers die vertellen wat voor hen duurzaam bodembeheer betekent.