Iqbal, Javed
Published in
Studies in Business and Economics
This paper investigates the sensitivities of Singapore’s sectoral industrial production to local and global business cycle variations using the auto-regressive distributed lag (ARDL) model in the nonlinear and asymmetric cointegration framework. By employing monthly time series data from Jan 1983 to Dec 2022 the study corroborates the commonly held...
Strandberg, Axel Olsen, Oskar Eckervad, Tobias
Background: In the recents decades, one of humanity's biggest challenges has been the climatecrisis where emissions of greenhouse gases are the main problem. This has forced companies toact more environmentally friendly due to laws and regulations but also due to customer demand.Circular economy has become a hot topic with various definitions. One ...
Ginsburger, Maël Madon, Julie
La consommation de biens et services ostentatoires a été largement étudiée en lien avec les dynamiques d’affirmation statutaire des classes supérieures. Pour autant, les pratiques de consommation ordinaire sont également propices à l’affirmation de frontières de classe et à la mise en évidence de mécanismes complexes de distinction sociale. Cet art...
marek biernacki, wiktor ejsmont;
This paper presents a postulate for a new approach in the measurement of households’ satisfaction from durable consumer goods, based on a modified inflation expectation measurement method used in survey research. The authors examine the application of a three-step qualitative evaluation, followed by the quantification of responses using a modified ...
Xue, Qiwei Claire Ouellette, Lisa Larrimore
Published in
Journal of Law and the Biosciences
Vaccines play a crucial role in improving global public health, with the ability to stem the spread of infectious diseases and the potential to eradicate them completely. Compared with pharmaceuticals that treat disease, however, preventative vaccines have received less attention from both biomedical researchers and innovation scholars. This neglec...
Bankaitis Smith, A. U.
Published in
Seminars in Hearing
Patients need and/or want access to any number of products, including consumables and durable goods, and accessories as part of their audiology care. Audiologists have an opportunity to offer products and accessories for resale from their clinical office. Several methods for reselling items to established patients including an overview of an ecomme...
Basic, Emma Nordin, Albin
Titel: Hållbarhetsrapportering inom två branscher - En jämförande studie på börsnoterade företag i Skandinavien Nivå: C-uppsats inom ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Emma Basic & Albin Nordin Handledare: Fredrik Hartwig Datum: 2018 - januari Syfte: Tidigare forskning har visat att bransch är en påverkande faktor till skillnader i hållbar...
Harmenberg, Karl
Consumption Dynamics under Time-Varying Unemployment Risk We study the response of households' demand for durable goods to fluctuations in unemployment risk. First, using survey data, we document that household durable expenditures react strongly to unemployment risk, while the effect on nondurable expenditures is indistinguishable from zero. Secon...
Dziechciarz, Józef Dziechciarz-Duda, Marta
Pomiar wyposażenia gospodarstw domowych jest kluczowy w wielu aspektach oceny stanu społeczno‑ekonomicznego kraju i jego obywateli. Zapotrzebowanie (sprzedaż) jest traktowane jako jeden z kluczowych wskaźników stanu koniunktury w gospodarce. Podobnie analiza i ocena poziomu wyposażenia gospodarstw domowych w dobra trwałe są rozpatrywane w kontekści...
Dziechciarz-Duda, Marta Król, Anna
Published in
Statistics in Transition New Series
Nowadays, due to changes in the market and new trends in consumer behaviours, intangible assets, such as brand, have gained fundamental importance. The more frequent conviction that a product with a well-known name is better than other products contributes to the case of replacing the price of a product by its brand name as the predominant factor i...