Sadegh Mohammadi, Fatemeh Spencer, Chelsea M
Published in
Journal of interpersonal violence
The current study sought to examine attachment styles as mediators between intimate partner violence (IPV) and stress coping styles among Iranian women. Data were collected from September to December 2020. The study population was composed of 102 women who were referred to Social Emergency Centers in Isfahan and affected by domestic violence. They ...
Patel, Anushka Dixon, Kelly E Rojas, Sasha Gopalakrishnan, Lakshmi Carmio, Natali
Published in
Journal of interpersonal violence
Indian women account for 36.6% of suicide-related deaths worldwide and gender-based violence (GBV) is a key social determinant. The cultural theory of suicide (CTS), which synthesizes risk factors and explanations of suicide among racial/ethnic minorities, posits four tenets: idioms of distress, cultural sanctions, and social discord. Our study app...
Daigle, Leah E Felix, Shanna N Muñoz, Raven B Hancock, Katelyn P Oesterle, Daniel W Gilmore, Amanda K
Published in
Journal of interpersonal violence
Recent research has shown that transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) individuals are at risk of experiencing interpersonal violence, yet there may be differences within this group and across victimization types. The current study examined rates of seven types of interpersonal victimization based on six gender identities (cisgender women, cis...
Capinha, Marta Rijo, Daniel Matos, Marlene Pereira, Marco
Published in
Journal of interpersonal violence
Research about interpartner agreement on intimate partner violence (IPV) is mainly based on community and clinical samples, with forensic or court-related samples being overlooked. This study assesses interpartner agreement on IPV reports based on the Revised Conflict Tactic Scales, aiming to explore if the proxy method would be reliable in a court...
khera, harjit k. wardan, rita tek, hiu ling, andy caliph, suzanne m.
Domestic violence (DV) is a pervasive issue with significant implications for public health, yet it remains under-addressed in healthcare systems. Pharmacists, as accessible healthcare providers, are in a unique position to identify and support individuals affected by DV, but training in this area is often lacking in pharmacy education. This study ...
cole, terri harvey, orlanda healy, jane c. smith, chloe
This research explored the experiences of LGBTQIA+, black and ethnic minority (BME), and disabled victims of domestic abuse due to the frequency of abuse in these populations and bespoke needs they may have. Data were collected via an online survey (n = 317), a focus group with professionals (n = 2), and interviews with victims/survivors of domesti...
Anyango, Jane Frances Yost, Jennifer Dobson, Andrew Nkalubo, Julius McKeever, Amy
Published in
Journal of advanced nursing
To examine healthcare providers' extent of and perceived barriers and facilitators to screening for intimate partner violence in pregnant women attending prenatal clinics. Cross-sectional descriptive design was used to collect data from 130 healthcare providers. Seventeen healthcare providers from 17 prenatal clinics in Kanungu district, Uganda, we...
Gopalakrishnan, Lakshmi Bertozzi, Stefano Bradshaw, Patrick Deardorff, Julianna Shakya Baker, Holly Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia
Gender norms have been posited to impact intimate partner violence (IPV), but there is scant evidence of the longitudinal association between community-level gender norms and IPV. Using longitudinal data on 3,965 married girls surveyed in India, we fitted mixed-effects ordinal and binary logistic regression models for physical IPV intensity and occ...
Wathen, C Nadine MacGregor, Jennifer C D Burd, Caitlin Naeemzadah, Najibullah Ogunpitan, Yetunde A Canie, Jaimeson
Published in
Trauma, violence & abuse
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is at epidemic levels across low-, middle-, and high-income countries, including Canada, where recent lifetime prevalence indicated that over 40% of women had IPV experiences. In response to this, Canada's federal government has made investments toward IPV prevention and response. We conducted a scoping review of Eng...
Wachter, Karin Baccam, Zoe Burgess, Tanya Alemi, Qais
Published in
Trauma, violence & abuse
The purpose of this scoping review was to ascertain the scope and nature of the literature focused on intimate partner violence (IPV) among Afghans across contexts, including Afghanistan. The scoping review adopted a systematic approach to search for, identify, and include peer-reviewed articles published in English. Fifty-two articles were retaine...