Brown, Samuel D J Bellvé, André M Santos, Karina Baldassarre, Cristian E Mansfield, Emma Bilgi, Vineeta Urlacher, Elodie M G Devitt, Jessica C Jamieson, Lisa E
Published in
Journal of economic entomology
A series of experiments were carried out to develop a phytosanitary disinfestation protocol to kill Ceratitis capitata (Weidemann) (Mediterranean fruit fly, Diptera: Tephritidae) in 'Hayward' kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C.F. Liang and A.R. Ferguson) and 'Zesy002' kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch.). Experiments on 4 immature life ...
Nakamatsu, Javier Arízaga Torres, Jhonatan Canseco, Ivon Gonzales, Patricia
One of the main causes of the loss of historical heritage in museums is insect attacks. At the Museo del Convento de los Descalzos in Lima, Peru, this is a severe problem, particularly in its choral books, which date from the 17th to 19th centuries, due to the materials used in their manufacture. Some disinfestation treatments for objects require c...
bermudez-aguirre, daniela niemira, brendan a.
Radio frequency (RF) is a novel technology with several food processing and preservation applications. It is based on the volumetric heating generated from the product’s dielectric properties. The dielectric properties of each material are unique and a function of several factors (i.e., temperature, moisture content). This review presents a list of...
moore, sean manrakhan, aruna
South Africa is the 13th largest producer and second largest exporter of citrus fruit globally. The false codling moth, Thaumatotibia leucotreta, and the fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata, C. rosa and Bactrocera dorsalis, can potentially infest citrus fruit and therefore pose a phytosanitary risk for export markets. Consequently, a wide range of post...
Paithankar, Jagdish Gopal Ghodke, Tanhaji Sandu Patil, Rajashekhar K
Published in
International journal of radiation biology
Ionizing radiation (IR) has wide-ranging applications in various fields. In agriculture, pest control is one of the important applications, because insect pests have become a threat to the global agriculture industry. IR are used routinely to prevent crop loss and to protect stored food commodities. Radio-sterilization and disinfestation treatments...
Copes, Warren E Ojiambo, Peter S
Published in
Plant disease
Bleach products containing hypochlorite are commonly used as disinfectants to eliminate nonfungal plant pathogens from production surfaces, tools, plant surfaces, irrigation water, and produce dump tanks. Although bleach products are useful, their effectiveness has been reported to vary under specific settings. A meta-analysis was conducted of 86 s...
Copes, Warren E Ojiambo, Peter S
Published in
Hypochlorite is often used as a disinfestant of fungal pathogens in a range of agricultural and horticultural settings. However, reports of its effectiveness are variable across studies and it is unclear what factors could potentially influence the reported estimates of its efficacy. A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to assess the...
Karbowska-Berent, Joanna Żołowicz, Izabela Jabłońska, Elżbieta M.
Published in
Restaurator. International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival Material
A small repository in a cathedral in Poland, storing severely damaged books, was investigated with regard to insects and fungi. Entomological and microbiological surveys were performed to estimate the extent of the infestation and the microbial deterioration of the books. Most of the books were attacked by insects although to varying degrees. They ...
pierdicca, roberto paolanti, marina bacchiani, roberto de leo, roberto bisceglia, bruno frontoni, emanuele
The microwave heating treatment is a useful methodology and the disinfestation of works of art can also benefit from this approach. However, even if the microwave treatment is able to eliminate the pests that could damage the works of arts, it may nevertheless present some unexpected effects such as the presence of highly heated areas (hot spots) o...
Ware, A B du Toit, C L N
Published in
Journal of economic entomology
The avocado industry is important in South Africa, but access to certain markets is impeded by the presence of phytosanitary pests. One of the ways of securing entry to these markets is to demonstrate that a mitigating treatment will result in there being a negligible chance of accidental importation. In cold treatment comparative studies at 0 °C a...