Gustafsson, Karin M
Published in
Public understanding of science (Bristol, England)
Research has shown a great distrust among youths toward political representatives, who they demand should "listen to the science." However, less research has been done on youths' own trust in science. This study explores and explains how youths who are environmentally active in two different environmental youth organizations relate to science in so...
Pytlík, Petr Dalsant, Johanna
Dozentinnen und Dozenten, die im Rahmen des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) und der österreichischen Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung (OeAD) an Hochschulen in aller Welt Deutsch als Fremdsprache unterrichten, treffen auf Studierende, die mitunter unterschiedliche kulturelle Deutungsmuster aufweisen, was zu Irritationen ...
dutton, sherri al mamun, mir sanim davison, colleen m.
Inequities related to teen pregnancy are a complex social and health problem across the globe. Evaluation of research assumptions can help to move research forward when considering complex public health issues. Drawing on previous critical reviews, this scoping review sought to map not just what teen pregnancy research is available, but how current...
Chagnoux, Marie Seoane, Annabelle
A partir des attentats de 2015 en France, certains énoncés ont acquis un fonctionnement sloganique et se sont articulés à des genres de discours distincts, avec des portées pragmatiques spécifiques : pancartes dans la rue, #hashtags sur les réseaux sociaux, articles d’information dans la presse écrite etc. La réflexion proposée ici s’inscrit dans u...
Linnamäki, Katinka
Published in
Frontiers in Political Science
Immigration and the defense of national borders have played a vital role in European right-wing populist discourses since the European border crisis in 2015. Western European populist anti-immigration policies are often intertwined with gender politics (as in femonationalism and homonationalism). Research on Central and Eastern Europe offers the op...
gürlesin, ömer f.
This study explores the manifestation of implicit religion in climate change activism on social media, focusing on Extinction Rebellion (XR) in The Netherlands between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2023. A combination of content analysis and discourse analysis is used to examine how XR’s activism on X (Twitter) embodies quasi-religious elements su...
Müller, Cornelia Karpiński, Maciej Kindler-Mathôt, Clara Klessa, Katarzyna Jarmołowicz-Nowikow, Ewa Junge, Jana Katharina Papadopoulou, Katerina Sawicka-Stępińska, Brygida
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
This paper presents a media-aesthetic framework to study affectivity as a stance. This framework opens up a new perspective on multimodal affective stance-taking in the context of specific media ecologies. It exemplifies this new approach with case studies of the official audiovisual documentation of political debates in the German Bundestag and th...
scardigno, rosa gambarrota, raffaella centonze, laura
Despite the revolutionary impact of new media, television remains a socially shared reference point for media functions, e.g., information, entertainment, and hybridized genres. Through its simplified knowledge and scripts, television reduces cognitive asymmetry between experts and the public on general and specific topics, thus having a critical r...
Wets, Camille Bracke, Piet Delaruelle, Katrijn Ceuterick, Melissa
Published in
Health (London, England : 1997)
A higher prevalence of depression is found among patients with a migration background within the Belgian population. Nevertheless, this group is underrepresented in ambulant and residential mental health care services. Since general practitioners (GPs) have a crucial gatekeeping role, this led some researchers to investigate the possibility of a pr...
Prakash, Anjal Ley, Debora Thamari, Mary
This review explores the relationships between gender and climate change, focusing on Africa, South Asia, and Latin America. It draws attention to the differences in how women, men, and others are impacted by climate change, emphasizing vulnerabilities due to lack of access to resources and decision-making authority. We highlight the role gender-se...