Corpuz, Jeff Clyde G
Published in
The American journal of hospice & palliative care
Despite the growing prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodefiency syndrome (AIDS) in the Philippines and the psychosocial challenges it engenders, there remains a dearth of research on the intersection of HIV and hospice care. Stigma and discrimination further compound the challenges of providing inclusive hospice car...
Mema, Amarilda Bressan, Valentina Stevanin, Simone Cadorin, Lucia
Published in
Nursing ethics
Dignity is a value inherent to all human beings, guaranteed to every individual from birth, and influenced by culture and society. It is protected by various laws and declarations, and represents one of the fundamental human rights. Preserving human dignity is an essential aspect of nursing practice and a central element of care. Dignity is a highl...
Buhr, Eike Schweda, Mark
Published in
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Introduction The concept of privacy marks an astonishing gap in the discussion about care for people with dementia (PwD). In general, questions of privacy play an important role and attract much attention in the ethics of nursing care. Yet, when it comes to dementia care, there is hardly any systematic ethical debate on the topic at all. It almost ...
Piombino-Mascali, Dario Squires, Kirsty Zink, Albert
Published in
American journal of biological anthropology
This article presents a multidisciplinary approach adopted in the Sicily mummy project, highlighting unique challenges and major ethical concerns inherent to the scientific study, conservation, and presentation of these mummies. Recognizing mummies as a distinct category of human remains, this paper argues for the development and application of spe...
Rau, Akash Grant-Kels, Jane M
Published in
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Fernández-Férez, Alba Berthe-Kone, Ousmane Granero-Heredia, Gonzalo Correa-Casado, Matías Jiménez-Lasserrotte, María Del Mar Martínez-Bordajandi, Álvaro Granero-Molina, José
Published in
Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)
Dignity is a key element in end-of-life care. Patients with advanced illness attend the emergency department to seek symptom relief but may find their dignity under threat in these services. The purpose of the study was to explore the threats to dignity perceived by people with advanced illnesses who are treated in emergency departments. A descript...
moldovan, sebastian
The essay explores the theme of suffering from an Eastern Patristic perspective, focusing on its spiritual and communal dimensions. It draws on the works of Maximos the Confessor, a famous 7th-century Byzantine theologian, particularly on his Amiguum 8. Maximos presents suffering not only as an inevitable consequence of the lapsarian human conditio...
Bakhshiarab, Amirheidar Mardani Hamooleh, Marjan Salamat, Akram Mirhosseini, Seyedmohammad Abbasi, Ali
Published in
Identifying threats to patients' dignity is crucial for maintaining and promoting their dignity. Preserving patient dignity should be regarded as both a patient's right and a moral obligation. This study was conducted to evaluate nurses' understanding of threats to human dignity in the care of patients with COVID-19. This qualitative study was cond...
Timóteo, Carolina Vitorino, Joel Ali, Amira Mohammed Laranjeira, Carlos
Published in
Nursing reports (Pavia, Italy)
Comprehending the significance of legacy in end-of-life (EoL) situations helps palliative care professionals enhance person-centered outcomes for those with a life-threatening illness and their families. Our purpose was to conduct a concept analysis of legacy in EoL care. By employing Walker and Avant's approach, we identified the concept's definin...
Pugeda, Teofilo Giovan S 3rd
Published in
The Linacre quarterly
As the number of elderly persons rises, there is a gradual increase in reliance on artificial intelligence (AI) to augment healthcare systems. How do we interpret AI in elderly care (EC) in light of the Catholic theological tradition? As far as the literature goes to date, there is still much room for discourse. For this reason, this article hopes ...