Wilhelmsson, Ella
This thesis has investigated the effects of running the two full scale biogas digesters at Slottshagen wastewater treatment plant at 34 °C compared to 37 °C, in terms of process stability, biogas production and energy savings with the aim of saving energy and money by not heating the digesters as much. The main objective was to investigate whether ...
delaide, boris goddek, simon keesman, karel j. m. jijakli, m. haissam
Description of the subject. This research note presents a methodology to quantify the tilapia sludge digestion performance in aerobic and anaerobic reactors for aquaponic purpose. Both organic reduction and macro- and microelements mineralization performances were addressed. Objectives. To set up an appropriate methodology to quantify sludge digest...
Lwiza, F. Mugisha, J. Walekhwa, P.N. Smith, J. Balana, Bedru B.
The study analyses dis-adoption of biogas technologies in Central Uganda. Biogas technology makes use of livestock waste, crop material and food waste to produce a flammable gas that can be used for cooking and lighting. Use of biogas technology has multiple benefits for the households since it reduces the need for fuelwood for cooking and also pro...
Amoah, Philip Nartey, E.G. Schrecongost, A.
The study was carried out to assess the ef cacy of a standard Bio l toilet digester with regard to its ef uentqualityandtoevaluatetheperformanceofnewef uentpolishingoptionsbeingdeveloped by Bio lCom. In uent and ef uent were collected from 18 standard Bio l digesters connected to full- ush toilets. Ef uent from ve pilot installations with improved ...
HABAS, Renato Francisco BARICHELLO, Rodrigo ZANELLA, Cleunice ROMAN, Madally
This article presents the results of a survey that aimed to analyze the perceptions and the role of leadership of the State of Santa Catarina for the dissemination of renewable energy projects in the specific case of biogas in pig farming. To meet the proposed objectives, a study was conducted on the structure of this chain, its composition, the in...
Amoah, Philip Nartey, E. G. Schrecongost, A.
de Buisonjé, F.E. Verheijen, R.
Drijfmest moet zo snel mogelijk de vergister in. Alleen een snelle vergisting levert een maximale hoeveelheid biogas op. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat het biogaspotentieel van drijfmest maandelijks met zo’n 30 procent afneemt.
de Buisonjé, F.E. Classens, P.J.A.M.
Uit eerder onderzoek naar monovergisting van drijfmest is gebleken dat de kosten te hoog zijn ten opzichte van de opbrengst (groene stroom of Groen Gas). Natuurmelkerij heeft daarom in samenspraak mat andere partners een ‘basic’ vergister ontwikkeld om de kosten zo laag mogelijk te houden. Deze vergister wordt de Manure Power genoemd. De vergister ...
Gosens, J. yonglong, lu guizhen, he Bluemling, B. Beckers, T.A.M.
Households in rural China rely heavily on low quality fuels which results in reduced quality of life and environmental degradation. This study assesses the comparative contribution of household scale biogas installations to the broad set of sustainability objectives in the Chinese biogas policy framework, which targets household budget, fuel collec...
Kasper, G.J. Peters, B.
Technische en economische berekeningen van vergisting van varkensmest zonder en met glycerine zijn weergegeven na praktijkproeven op boerderijschaal op VIC Sterksel met twee monovergisters, een mini-WKK (MAN, 60 kW) en een minigasturbine (Capstone, 60 kW). De Microferm van HoSt en de UDR-fermenter (Röring, Duitsland) zijn als monovergister onderzoc...