Sigurnjak, Ivona Brienza, Claudio Regelink, Inge C. Egene, Caleb E. Reuland, Gregory Luo, Hongzhen Šatvar, Mihalea Zilio, Massimo Meers, Erik
In this final report the results after four years of the project are reported. This report provides an overview of finalised experiments which include results on product testing from the five demo plants (Acqua & Sole (Italy), Am-Power (Belgium), Groot Zevert Vergisting (the Netherlands), BENAS (Germany) and Waterleau NewEnergy (Belgium), and three...
Elissen, Hellen Baars, Johan Hol, Stefan Schnabel, Sabine van der Weide, Rommie
This report starts with a literature review on the topic. From literature it is known that fungi can selectively digest lignin, thereby releasing other components which may subsequently be easily converted into biogas during anaerobic digestion of normally recalcitrant compounds. In addition, several authors have found that commercial fungi can be ...
Regelink, Inge Sigurnjak, Ivona Brienza, Claudio van Puffelen, Jasper Schoumans, Oscar F.
This report covers information on the technical, environmental and economic performance of five full scale demonstration plants. The demonstration plants are all anaerobic digesters (AD) that invested in NRR technologies and are located in different EU member states (the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Italy). The demonstration plants are pioneers a...
Casu, F.A.M. Verdoes, N.
Voor De Hoeve Innovatie, onderdeel van Keten Duurzaam Varkensvlees, is een studie uitgevoerd welke modelmatig verschillende scenario’s van mestbewerking en vergisting in kaart heeft gebracht. Hierbij is gekeken naar de meest optimale N-P-K-C balans met zo min mogelijk gasvormige verliezen en behoud van organische stof. De studie wijst uit dat het d...
Brienza, Claudio Regelink, Inge van Puffelen, Jasper Dedeyne, Henk Giordano, Andrea Schepis, Micol Prinsen, Arjan Bauermeister, Ute Meier, Thomas Sigurnjak, Ivona
Groot Zevert Vergisting (GZV), located in Beltrum, the Netherlands, started its biogas production in 2004. The plant has a processing capacity of 135 kilotonnes (kt) of feedstock through mesophilic digestion per year. In 2019, GZV started with the production of biobased fertilisers and purified water from digestate. The aim is to offer a sustainabl...
Schoumans, Oscar F. Sigurnjak, Ivona Veenemans, Lotte van Dijk, Kimo Römkens, Paul Brienza, Claudio Giordano, Andreas Zilio, Massimo
This report describes the modelling approach, input data, scenarios of biobased fertiliser application, and the results and conclusions in terms of environmental impacts. For all demonstration plants scenarios were worked out in terms of application rates of digestate and/or biobased fertilisers, and the associated applied nutrients and heavy metal...
Nienhuis, Ciska Melse, Roland Heesmans, Hanneke Verdoes, Nico Hanegraaf, Marjoleine Vermeij, Izak Evers, Aarts
Het ministerie van LNV wil duidelijk hebben of mestvergisting bij kan dragen aan de klimaatdoelstellingen waar de landbouw aan moet voldoen. De vraag is of mestvergisting kan bijdragen aan de reductie van broeikasgas- en ammoniakemissie, wat het (lange termijn) effect is op de organische stofopbouw en of het toevoegen van extra organisch materiaal ...
Hermann, Ludwig Hermann, Ralf Schoumans, Oscar F.
The regulatory framework governing anaerobic digestion and biogas production in EU Member States is arranged in European Policies, Regulations and Directives and by national legislation, which is based on European Policies and Directives. Consequently, we have organised the Regulatory Framework Report following the same structure. Chapter 1 deals w...
Elissen, Hellen van der Weide, Rommie
Dit rapport beschrijft groei op en omzetting van de dikke fractie (28 % droge stof) van digestaat door E. fetida wormen (compostwormen) in 6 kweekbedden van elk 5 m2. De begindichtheid van de wormen was 5 kg/m2. Het digestaat was afkomstig uit de ACRRES vergister die gevoed werd met rundermest en natuurgras. In de vijf weken durende proef bij Lumbr...
Hiemstra, J. Lie, R. Rietveld, M.
High energy bills and litter on the streets caused a group of residents of the Wildeman neighbourhood in the district of Osdorp in Amsterdam to act. Expecting no solution from the municipality, they decided to take care of it themselves and tackled these two problems with one solution: using the technology of biodigestion to produce energy from mun...